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  1. Felonious Monk

    2020 DL Simeon Barrow Jr | 28 TFLs 15 Sacks

    We need to have a talk. First, know that this comes from a place of love. That top shelf is not long for this world. It's already sagging and on top of not looking good, there's a real chance that the shelf will break and those bottle s might get broken. In the interest of saving both your image...
  2. Felonious Monk

    2020 DL Simeon Barrow Jr | 28 TFLs 15 Sacks

    Have you met @Handsome Squidbum's sister? It's like that, but with marshmallow fluff and corn nuts.
  3. Felonious Monk

    2020 DL Simeon Barrow Jr | 28 TFLs 15 Sacks

    Wait, we can do that?
  4. Felonious Monk

    2020 DL Simeon Barrow Jr | 28 TFLs 15 Sacks

    Pappy Von Finkle, the Latvian knockoff, doesn't count.