No more walk-ons in college football?

It's all in reaction to the upcoming agreement regarding the NIL antitrust suit. Players will be considered employees. Players are forming unions already. It will officially be the NFL minor league in the next few years.

Part of having employees, especially employees in unions, is minimum salaries, benefits, and perks.

As an aside, I wonder if anyone asked the Rock and his partners if they would ever consider drafting high school seniors to play in the UFL along the current older guys trying to get back in the NFL? If done right, I could see the UFL actually explode in popularity as a spring developmental league with a much higher percentage of players who will eventually play in the NFL. No having to deal with players attending class, getting good enough grades to play in games, etc. Just plain football and getting paid for it.

It would be the end of college football as we know it, but at this point, the blind pursuit of the almighty dollar appears to be doing that to college football anyway.
Most schools don’t have unlimited NIL so if you start giving NIL to your 86-100th best players you have 15 Walk ons that likely never play and less NIL for top players.
The Portal really eliminates the need for walkons. Its traditionally been that a late bloomer would want to walk on at a larger school rather than accept a lower level offer. With the portal, the kid can accept a lower level offer then 'portal' to a better school if he develops well enough.

That said, the move towards making college football a professional sport continues with this rule. The NCAA could end up looking like pro baseball, where:

* DII/NAIA is akin to single A ball
* 1AA/FCS is akin to double A
* Mid-majors are the triple A level.
* Power conferences are the show.
They are going to a player salary model and don't want to pay walk ons I guess... teams like Bama Michigan and Nebraska with a 100 walk ons will have to figure something else out
I assume 'cos they worry teams will find a loophole around scholarships by offering NIL deals that can easily pay for tuition to walk ons.
FSU is at 92 now while being under a scholarship reduction due to the NIL violation
I’m actually happy to hear this. A walk-on showed up at a house party I was at once with my girl and the guy acted like he owned the place. Wore a pair of sunglasses inside the whole time, dominated at beer pong and made out with my girl in the bathroom. She said it didn’t mean anything after he left, but I’ve hated walk-on ever since.