Presenting my request for early parole


Aug 28, 2021
To whom it may concern,

I come forward on this day, December 27th, 2022, representing myself, having been sent to the gates of purgatory on December 1st. This letter outlines the details of my parole request, which I believe is merited.

My mistakes have been well documented, yet acknowledged, and I am remorseful for past crimes and transgressions. I have served my sentence gracefully and respectfully and have met and exceeded all benchmarks to be released on good faith.

Please grant my parole in the sprit of the holidays as I look forward to further contribution to CanesInsight society.


You just made a huge mistake. This guy will never change and he's about as negative as it comes. He will spam the basketball board with usual bull****.
For a lot of posters this is a cooling off place. I know how JZ is and I don’t expect a big change but even a little easing up on the aggressive attacks will lead to less issues out there.
For a lot of posters this is a cooling off place. I know how JZ is and I don’t expect a big change but even a little easing up on the aggressive attacks will lead to less issues out there.
Fair enough. I'm all for second chances as I have had many lol but yea we all know how this guy is. We will see how this goes.
Elite moper. He's quite impressive tbo.
He’s negative in tone but he doesn’t side with mopes though. He rips the chronic miserable ones to the point where he sounds miserable too. 😂 His war on Dwins years back was relentless.