Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

Maybe Irvin really didn't say anything wrong, but considering he says himself several times in that article that he can't remember what was said, I don't think it is too big a leap to think maybe he did say something inappropriate (conversely, she could be making the whole thing up). There is no 'law' that has to be broken as he alludes to in the article; if he did something against Marriott's policy (and disrespecting an employee I am sure would fall into that), then the hotel has the right to kick him out.

Assuming that is what happened, as to why the NFL Network was notified I am guessing they probably booked the rooms for everyone and if Marriott deemed whatever he allegedly did offensive enough to kick him out, then they thought it appropriate to notify whomever booked the room on his behalf (or even if he was just part of a block that the NFL Network had). Then it's up to the NFL Network to decide whether or not to suspend him.

So maybe he did say something inappropriate or maybe he didn't say anything inappropriate (and there are certainly levels to inappropriate), but nothing in that article sounds like an actual denial that something was said; his lawyer says 'pleasantries' and Irvin says he can't remember what he said and that there as nothing physical.

And she could be making up the whole thing or blowing something small out of proportion too, but I think it's pretty hard based on the information available in that article to take sides either way.
saw this earlier today. On the Saturday night before the Superbowl (which is played on Sunday), the NFL Network removed Michael Irvin aka Michael Irving from their broadcast because Marriott told the NFL Network that Irvin had done something to a female Marriott employee. Irvin said that he had a brief encounter/encounter with the female employee after coming back to the hotel late Saturday from partying. Irvin alleges he has a few witnesses that witnessed the very brief encounter/conversation. he's suing for $100 million and is demanding to know the identify of the employee. i hope he wins.

Appreciate you clearing that up
Interesting. $100M? Nah. Still, while I applaud Marriott for supporting an employee they needed more information, or release more. Maybe the NFL Network has the details.

I’m not sure what complaint could be made unless Michael said something crude or threatening. And the video shows the brief conversation.

saw this earlier today. On the Saturday night before the Superbowl (which is played on Sunday), the NFL Network removed Michael Irvin aka Michael Irving from their broadcast because Marriott told the NFL Network that Irvin had done something to a female Marriott employee. Irvin said that he had a brief encounter/encounter with the female employee after coming back to the hotel late Saturday from partying. Irvin alleges he has a few witnesses that witnessed the very brief encounter/conversation. he's suing for $100 million and is demanding to know the identify of the employee. i hope he wins.

Easy lesson…before you **** with a man’s livelihood, you better have bullet proof evidence.

We shall see. It isn’t Marriott’s place but to let the court situation play out. They may end up being right, but if they aren’t, Michael has every right to Sue for that kind of change. His name and reputation are on the line…which includes all future work.
Guessing Mike is suing for defamation because he didn't lose his job...although due to them sitting him the next day, one could argue that he may not be considered for certain future assignments due to the alleged complaint. CIS Attorneys/Lawyers can explain it better than I can....

Playmaker most likely saw something fine..complimented her and tried to make a move, she declined...Marriott made a big deal out of it because the employee probably felt "disrespected" and thus called the NFL Network POC who handles rooming etc...they moved Mike to another hotel and to protect their image, decided to sit Mike the next day until they got all the facts....which they eventually got and he subsequently returned to work/on air.
NFL compliance & no quantifiable damages?
Easy lesson…before you **** with a man’s livelihood, you better have bullet proof evidence.

We shall see. It isn’t Marriott’s place but to let the court situation play out. They may end up being right, but if they aren’t, Michael has every right to Sue for that kind of change. His name and reputation are on the line…which includes all future work.
Oh Templar, you’re saying he did it? Or are you saying Marriott had every right to assume he did and report it to any current employers of his services?

To be fair, I have no idea, I’m just curious.

Also, wouldn’t be the first dumb *** thing Michael has done, I was just speaking on Marriott. To me, they should have protected theirs and let it play out in court. Let his actions and consequences play out…and they would, if he is guilty
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He was removed several days before the Super Bowl. Not the day before. And apparently most of you have been living under a rock to just hear about this.
privacy is generally gauged against an expectation of privacy. once you walk out of your house and are walking around a hotel lobby, you don't really have an expectation of privacy so you can be recorded, including audio taped
Depends on the state with regard to audio being recorded without permission and used in court.
See, this some of that bullshyt I be talking about. Mike probably had a drink or 2 earlier, saw a nice looking young lady, paid her a compliment, she smiled, he smiled, they shook hands, and they both went on their way. Could that compliment have gone across the line? Sure, possibly, but he took his shot, nothing happened, and they both moved on. She went to the back, and probably told her fat, ugly *** co-worker, that no sober dude has ever tried to "bed",..... what he "allegedly" said. She probably was like. "Gurl, you need to say something! That's sexual harassment. He can't say that to you." Girly went and told management, and the die was cast. WTF this world has come to, where it's hard to even pay a woman a compliment, because you're scared it may be taken the wrong way? ****, 90% of us probably wouldn't even be here, if a man didn't pay a certain woman, a compliment. Of course, IDK the situation and I could be wayyyy off base, and if I am, forgive me. I'm old school about some things. But this sounds like political correctness run amok. IDK man, sounds fishy to me. Is it possible he crossed the line? Sure. I wasn't there, so IDK. I'll withhold judgement, but until then, they better have proof
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He literally said it himself

He doesn’t remember what he said to the chick because he was too ****ed up

At some point you stop lighting the fuse

"****ed up?" Because he doesn't remember what he said in a meaningless conversation he has 50 times a day that he doesn't care about? Clearly he had been drinking, like 90% of Americans do, but he also had clearly wrapped up for the night, refused drinks, was jovial and accommodating photos, even took two guys outside for a pic as he thought it was more appropriate than doing in the bar (so he was thinking pretty straight) and said he had a big day tomorrow and had to go to bed. Drinking is fine. If he did something to someone, that's all that matters.