You know we are in trouble with recruiting....

That article says nothing. People still believe in 2018 that newspaper quotes tell the true story.
the kid gave a CLEAR reason why he chose LSU that anyone who wanted to know could read .... LOL ... maybe you have a reading comprehension problem. have a good day. SMH
That article says nothing. People still believe in 2018 that newspaper quotes tell the true story.

I absolutely love this photo of you, Jaromir.

the kid gave a CLEAR reason why he chose LSU that anyone who wanted to know could read .... LOL ... maybe you have a reading comprehension problem. have a good day. SMH

Again, people still believe newspaper quotes. Did you expect him to publicly comment on his uncle suggesting that he go somewhere else?
Just leave him be, bruh. He’s gonna drive you nuts with his three syllable comebacks like a teenager.

I for one, am happy he decided to go elsewhere. It would have been a complete ***t show with the All in the Family redux. I even wouldn’t be surprised if Richt talked him into going elsewhere, knowing he’s gonna be under the microscope being nephew and cuzin simultaneously, if he laid a hard boiled egg on the field.

Absolutely believe this. Richt is already seeing the negative reaction his son's hiring as gotten. I doubt he wants to drag more family into this. Not to mention, Miami just happened to offer two other 2020 QB recruits in the past two weeks? This staff isn't exactly known for being proactive with QB recruits. Richt either knew Max Johnson wasn't coming or told him to go elsewhere.
Again, people still believe newspaper quotes. Did you expect him to publicly comment on his uncle suggesting that he go somewhere else?
try this ... if this really matters to you, why the **** don't you contact this kid and ask him yourself ?
Because that is accurate in real time. After every private conversation, Rivals is automatically updated.

Do you have the same kind of proof your asking for to say his offer was taken back?

Use common sense to infer from previous postings.
There were multiple postings through your the fall about qb recruiting in 2020 and how he was a top target.

This is an L can’t spin it any other way
Of all the recruits out there he would know his potential qb coach the best
When this kid goes to LSU (or somewhere else) and turns out to be a complete bust, you can count on one thing:

There will be guys on here bashing Richt for ever giving him an offer back in 2016.
38% completion rate, 7 TDs, 6 INTs.

But Miami really wanted him and he turned his uncle down.

It is all around a bad situation. Max SUCKS and I have been saying it since he first got offered. The kid is absolute garbage. Sitkowski 2.0. Thank god the kid decided to go to LSU.

However, this is 4 bad evaluations by Richt(Cade, Kosi, Sitkowski, Johnson). Also, when you get spurned by your own nephew because your cousin is a terrible QB coach and your uncle runs a god awful offense. That is a bad sign.

How do I know Johnson spurned Richt? No one knows for a fact, but Richt didn't start to scramble to offer 2020 QBs until after Johnson told him he was going to commit to LSU. Immediately after we offer 2(pretty schitty) QBs in the 2020 class.
Or he was so excited when Uncle Mark told him he would be better off somewhere else after his 38% completion rate.

Or maybe he said "Max because I love you so much I don't want you to ruin your career by getting coached up by your good for nothing cousin. I also think it would be a career killer to have you play in my 1993 offense"

Or maybe his sister said "Mark you are my brother and I would do anything for you, but I really can't let my son kill his career by getting coached up by the worst QB coach in the nation and play under the worst OC in the FBS"
Kid’s father is a nole. We have too mNy of those types around already. Mark never plucked the feathers off himself and we have plenty of his family.
If I was this kid, and I was good enough to go to other good programs, I would not chose the one where my Uncle was head coach. Just another level of BS distractions.