Its called being a realist and not sheep...
I am 50 and have no dog in this fight...if the young guns want this stadium so bad, then be at the games..all the games gathering signatures....I was at the BB game Sat night and sitting with some old school boosters they love SUNLIFE as they say they can afford to LOVE SUNLIFE they have purple or valet parking club seats etc...these are the real decision makers not 7000 kids signing a web site...
Like I said I have not seen or had one opportunity to sign anything regarding a stadium at Football, BB or Baseball....I am pretty sure there are an abundant of Canes fans at these games.. Plus just gathering sigs is one thing....this site has no real plan you know why... there is no real plan...
Thanks for your input.....
A realist and not sheep. I would think it would be a "sheep" to simply support the status quo. Clearly the otherside is the minority.
As a cane fan, you should have a dog in this fight. You should want what is best for the program (long term) and that would be our own stadium that would fit our needs. The
underlined part has nothing to do with the petition. In fact you can do both. They are not mutually exclusive ideas, we can do both and we should do both. I suppose it being a "liberal" website is too much for you to sign the petition.
I don't care if the misguided boosters you sit next to love sun life (probably because they are located near it), the stadium is terrible and provides ZERO home advantage. By simply saying they love sun life shows how out of touch they are with what is best for the program.
The reason you don't hear anything about the stadium is because we don't put much pressure on the, AD, admin and president. Like I said in my post above, posting on a message board DOES NOTHING. In addition, we have fans like yourself (no disrespect) that attempt to prevent any type of movement. I never get this position but you are entitled to it.
Since there is no pressure on the AD, admin and president, they are also content with the status quo.
My goal is to get out of that stadium as fast as possible and I believe Strauzer is just trying to generate some energy behind that movement.
My question for you is why prevent this idea in anyway.