Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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I’m almost 100% it is the right of the student athlete to enter name into Portal. School then has two business days to enter. Entire point of Portal was to stop the bull**** blocking where could transfer.
There is literally a NCAA rule that states they have to enter the kid within 48 hours. Unless I missed something there is no except in these situations clause attached to said rule.

I’m almost 100% it is the right of the student athlete to enter name into Portal. School then has two business days to enter. Entire point of Portal was to stop the bull**** blocking where could transfer.

Yes. Schools are no longer granted, or even allowed, the ability to give full or partial "releases" to student-athletes.
We are not mistaken.

People are acting as if the Portal is some magical and mysterious place, with all kinds of secret rules and procedures.

It is not.

All the Portal is...is a database. It's a list that sanctions direct communication with a player on the list (who was previously not allowed to be directly contacted) and interested schools.

All you need to do is fill out a shockingly brief form that includes your name and social and address and phone number.

And to be quite honest, there is not even a good administrative or ethical reason why a school needs to "process" the Portal application or "take 48 hours" to do so. Clearly, the unstated intention is to give the school notice and perhaps some time to converse with the player prior to the player leaving, but in multiple YEARS of this process, there has never even been ONE case where a school has "properly denied" a player seeking to enter the Portal. Not once.

So instead of living in this shadow world of "could we be mistaken", let's take a moment to note that Wisconsin itself has NOT CITED a single reason or grounds for denying Portal entry for Xavier Lucas. There are rumors and threads, but Wisconsin has never publicly stated a reason for why it is doing what it is doing. So, no, there are no secret scenarios here. There are certainly threats. There are people using the word "tampering" improperly and vaguely.

But there is no rationale that gives rise to Wisconsin "being in the right" for doing what they have done.
Someone should ask Wisconsin if they intend to force him to be there for four years.

Then ask if going forward, all player transfer portal paperwork is to be denied for all players.

Then ask if they intend to ignore any NCAA or subsequent court rulings on this issue.
But even if that is the case, the school can't get involved. It's up to the NIL collective to sue his ***.
Not disagreeing with that. But is it worth it to be dealing with all this(both sides)
Dude, I don't understand how they don't understand this entire thing implies their collective is colluding with the university. None of them seem to comprehend this.

And they think it's good for the school to go to trial over a player wanting to enter the portal? They think that's going to help them?

What are they smoking up there?

Those posters are complete buffoons.

First, the legal remedy sought will be injunctive relief. You know, the kind of case that moves very quickly and does not require a full trial, or whatever they are fantasizing about.

Second, they act as if these "powerful universities" (which, last time I checked, make up an organization called the "N.C.A.A.") aren't on a massive losing streak in courtrooms over the past few years.

Did this kid take a payment from the collective for the upcoming season and then decide to submit paperwork? Can that be an issue too?
Irrelevant to Wisconsin and its team. The school and the collective are separate entities. His activities with the latter have no bearing on the former.
Yes if they’re hung up on possible tampering, that’s between the ncaa and said university to investigate. I don’t see any way Wisconsin is NOT obligated to file his request.
And it is a level 3 violation anyways. The Edwards guy was hit with it and the penalty was lilterally he couldn't text recruits for 2 weeks. Even if Miami was found to have tampered with Lucas the penalty is not what they are thinking it would be. It is basically a slap on the wrist.
That is also possible. And to be clear, I never said Wisky had a valid argument, only that the university was acting like it has some argument supported by evidence.

I won't pretend to know all of the ins and outs of transfer portal law. But, if you are correct it means either Wisconsin is wrong about their interpretation of the rules and the impact of whatever evidence they may have, or Wisky knows they are wrong but are pushing forward illogically. Of the two, I think the former is much more likely.

I agree with everything you said. It is puzzling they’re holding him hostage. It seems like they have, or think they have, some leverage. Without pay for play I can’t imagine any situation where the school can prevent him from leaving when he’s in his right to do so, without some meddling from the collective. Which would be a problem for them. He’s not making money to play for Wisconsin and therefore Wisconsin cannot enforce anything the collective drew up.
I have a general question that doesn't necessarily apply to this situation...

If a player notifies a school they wish to enter the portal, is it incumbent on the school to assist them in doing so correctly. By that I mean, provide the proper paperwork and ensure that the paperwork is completely correctly and timely. Can they deny enter becasue of a player error or are they obligated to correct said error?

One would think that if there were some sort of technical defect, they would state what it is and give an opportunity for a correction. Otherwise, a school could effectively defeat ALL transfers merely by perceiving misspellings on every application, sitting on those errors, and then waiting out the time period until the Portal closes for entry.

More importantly, all that a player has to do is put his name, social, address, and phone number on a Portal application. Thus, unless Wisconsin is trying to claim that they don't know who Lavier Xucas is, I don't think that a student-athlete could "**** up" the Portal paperwork very much.
This just screams he took money from them and is trying to run off with it.
If that is the case and they feel their is language in said contract that calls for repayment their collective is welcome to sue him for breach of contract and try and recoup the funds. However, the school itself still cannot refuse to enter him in the portal within 48 hours of his submitting is paperwork. So regardless UW is still in the wrong.
The schools are allowed to work with the collectives now so I don't think this would be an issue. It seems like there are likely other ones, but I don't think that would be one.

"Work with" is one thing.

But taking an action, or intervening legally on someone else's behalf, is not allowed.
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