First off, interesting pic. Airman Chiavaris, on the left (his chevron end going "up" and the white-lettered nametape are dead giveaways) wears a uniform and cover similar to the one I was first issued in 16 years later in 1985, though by this time, the USAF was issuing subdued nametapes like the tall army guy to his left wears. In my case, that uniform didn't last past Basic Training and Tech school; my career field and assignments led to an BDU/ERDL mix, to chocolate chips, and on to three-color deserts of varying weights. But I digress...
In defense of my military brethren, marshallRC13, he is highlighting, if not intentionally, how
late the Entertainment and uh, Sports Programing Network was in reporting this story on their website. I started following the #askjameis meltdown on Sunday, thanks to a CIS post. On Monday, I told a co-worker about it that morning; he had not heard. Finally, after 4 Pm or so, ESPN runs an AP story on the twitter disaster. Yep, all the resources of the "Worldwide Leader in Sports" and they run an AP story. Funny, they were promoting their 7PM ESPN College Football Preview show the same day, with a shopped Winston picture being the "splash" for the preview. If anyone thinks a network with conference and NCAA programing deal$ could objectively cover sports news, your dreaming (Oldtimer Bob Ley and OTL may be a small exception). Force yourself to watch a network evening news cast at 6:30 PM; do you think they will ever go after "Big Pharma" corruption and overcharging? Nope, their bread is buttered by all those painkiller, ED, and osteoporosis commercials.
If UM's Freet, in a state of temporary insanity, had authorized an "#askcoachD" featuring Onfrio, it would have played out in the same manner, with less national exposure...or ESPN reporting immediately. One thing is for sure: The Herald and Sun Sentinel would have ran stories from their beat writers on it, with Susan Miller Dingbat's piece stating how UF has never had a problem with twitter.
Up in Tallahicky, the Tallahassee Dumbocrat pulls its best Columbus Dispatch/Gainesville Sun impression:
Yes, I checked on Sunday and Monday, no #askjameis stories then either. The only thing remotely linked to it is a story on the bottom of the page about the Tallahasee Police "seeking information" in the murder of some FSU professor. Due to TPD getting
their bread buttered by FSU, this time they should do some semblence of police work, unlike Famous Rapists case...Unless evidence shows the murderer was a Criminole football player, that is.