Will be ranked ahead of UF come NSD?

Every player who sings with us will be rated 2* by the corrupt rating services. If the same guys sign with OSU they are 4 or 5*
Per 247
Miami's star rating is 90.05 15 commits total only 6 3stars
Floridas star rating is 88.51 they have like 17 3stars and 26 commits total

Miami is actually doing better in terms of quality players.
I noticed two things about coaches who will establish a mean as squad. Im using Jimbo Saban and Meyer as examples. When these guys took over there programs the recruiting trail immediatlwy becane theres, they would get elite kids and lockem up. No excuses just results, i think jimbo is an average x and o guy and thought he was awful as an assistant at fsu under bowden. But when he took over and i saw the class being pht together, i said on scout that fsu will win a title or compete for one for years to come. Everyone said they always do this, and that was the furthest thing from the truth whenthe times changed (internet social media)

I want to see that with coach MR and ihavent seenthatinflux yet my opinion, those guys hit the ground sprinting and u saw it instantly that they were elite coaches at recruiting and that will reap results. Someone convince me because MR hasnt been on his couch he knows these kids personally already like shaq and alot of other kids. If we cant gets the cooks of the world and sfla studs he wi struggel as well. Im not saying hes a bad coach maybe its just something else going on, dmoney or anyone else give me the scoop.