Who was hated more: Johnson, Erikson or Davis?

The vocal group wanted Jimmy Johnson fired in year 1 for the disaster at the end of the year, and after year three when he lost his 3rd straight bowl game to prove for sure he could NEVER win the big one. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Jimmy's record at Oklahoma State was NOT impressive.

They then drove Erikson out of town for not being Jimmy Johnson. And the ****** gimmicky offense he saddled us with. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Dennis's prior coaching record was NOT impressive. So, he only won to start purely because of Jimmy's players.

The worst hate (worse than Coker, Shannon and Golden hate combined) was for Butch Davis turning us from a team playing for the national championship against nebraska in the orange bowl under Erikson, to a NATIONAL JOKE. With a roster with hall of famers on it, before sanctions kicked in, Butch got the canes thumped by ucla in the opener, and a bunch of 8-3 records. Then a friggin LOSING RECORD. Butch was, to the crowd, the worst coach to ever blow a whistle--- until he left.

Richt is in very good company (Johnson, Erikson and Davis).

Definitely hated Leif Erikkson the most of all.
His men raped and pillaged too many innocent people.
The vocal group wanted Jimmy Johnson fired in year 1 for the disaster at the end of the year, and after year three when he lost his 3rd straight bowl game to prove for sure he could NEVER win the big one. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Jimmy's record at Oklahoma State was NOT impressive.

They then drove Erikson out of town for not being Jimmy Johnson. And the ****** gimmicky offense he saddled us with. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Dennis's prior coaching record was NOT impressive. So, he only won to start purely because of Jimmy's players.

The worst hate (worse than Coker, Shannon and Golden hate combined) was for Butch Davis turning us from a team playing for the national championship against nebraska in the orange bowl under Erikson, to a NATIONAL JOKE. With a roster with hall of famers on it, before sanctions kicked in, Butch got the canes thumped by ucla in the opener, and a bunch of 8-3 records. Then a friggin LOSING RECORD. Butch was, to the crowd, the worst coach to ever blow a whistle--- until he left.

Richt is in very good company (Johnson, Erikson and Davis).
Your question should include Richt, Erickson or Golden.
Are you insane?
So fans criticizing jimmy cause of the poor record after the team just won a national championship is wrong. Or fans being upset by some of the losses under butch or the win/loss record.

So now Fans can’t say anything? We have to just sit silently for ten years?

Are there overreactions, of course it’s part of being a fan. What fun is it if everyone took a measured approach to everything.

OP sounds like a real blast to be around. No loss or losses are too great to ruffle his feathers.

He’s not insane, he’s super, composed fan.
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. Jimmy's record at Oklahoma State was NOT impressive.

They then drove Erikson out of town for not being Jimmy Johnson. And the ****** gimmicky offense he saddled us with. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Dennis's prior coaching record was NOT impressive.

1. Only HC we ever hired, going back 50 years, with an impressive record has arguably been Richt. Schnelly, JJ and Dennis, though not having stellar results in their previous coaching stops, were all respected as football minds by their peers. Alot more than W's and L's goes into what is or isn't an "impressive record."
2. We'd kill for that "****** gimmick Offense" of Erickson's now. It put points on the board. In fact, the top thing Erickson was respected for by his coaching peers was his offensive innovations.
Not a fan of DE. Never was, never will be. I sure enjoyed watching the team during his era, they were fun to watch and fun to root for, but Jimmy Johnson is a football gawd and DE was a guy riding his coat tails and it was clear (at least to me) that he was doing/not doing things that were not going to be good for the program in the end. And that's exactly what happened. Hate might be too strong a word for my feelings for DE, but I certainly never "loved" him the way I did JJ.

Butch took over a dumpster fire. Sure, there were some rough years and plenty of dissatisfaction, but it was nowhere near the broad levels of justified criticism currently leveled at Dicht. Everyone knew Butch had a YUGE hill to climb and a lot of obstacles in his way while he was rebuilding the program.

Richt took over a program with a relatively well stocked roster that admittedly had some holes and depth issues, but still had a lot of talent. He took over a program fresh off probation and with a lot of momentum and enthusiasm behind it. Even Paul Finebaum, the hater to end all haters, basically said we were on our way to "back". And he's lost 12 games in three years.

Stupid comparison.
Why would any sane person hate Dennis? Probably the most exciting tenure of any of our coaches.
The answer is Butch without doubt.
So fans criticizing jimmy cause of the poor record after the team just won a national championship is wrong. Or fans being upset by some of the losses under butch or the win/loss record.

So now Fans can’t say anything? We have to just sit silently for ten years?

Are there overreactions, of course it’s part of being a fan. What fun is it if everyone took a measured approach to everything.

OP sounds like a real blast to be around. No loss or losses are too great to ruffle his feathers.

He’s not insane, he’s super, composed fan.

Fans don’t have to be silent but it does show how often they’re wrong. It also shows that a lot more goes into winning than just if a coach is good or bad
So fans criticizing jimmy cause of the poor record after the team just won a national championship is wrong. Or fans being upset by some of the losses under butch or the win/loss record.

So now Fans can’t say anything? We have to just sit silently for ten years?

Are there overreactions, of course it’s part of being a fan. What fun is it if everyone took a measured approach to everything.

OP sounds like a real blast to be around. No loss or losses are too great to ruffle his feathers.

He’s not insane, he’s super, composed fan.

Fans can howl at the moon.

His description of the Johnson and Erickson years isn't how I remember them, and I was there.

Davis did come under criticism, but overall the program was a telenovella of drama.

Pell grant scandal came forward, huge QB controversy (Collins, etc.), and yes Miami expected to ein Nattys every single year.
The vocal group wanted Jimmy Johnson fired in year 1 for the disaster at the end of the year, and after year three when he lost his 3rd straight bowl game to prove for sure he could NEVER win the big one. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Jimmy's record at Oklahoma State was NOT impressive.

They then drove Erikson out of town for not being Jimmy Johnson. And the ****** gimmicky offense he saddled us with. Especially knowing he never won big anywhere before. Dennis's prior coaching record was NOT impressive. So, he only won to start purely because of Jimmy's players.

The worst hate (worse than Coker, Shannon and Golden hate combined) was for Butch Davis turning us from a team playing for the national championship against Nebraska in the orange bowl under Erickson to a NATIONAL JOKE. With a roster with hall of famers on it, before sanctions kicked in, Butch got the canes thumped by UCLA in the opener and a bunch of 8-3 records. Then a friggin LOSING RECORD. Butch was, to the crowd, the worst coach to ever blow a whistle--- until he left.

Richt is in very good company (Johnson, Erickson, and Davis).

If only the Herd/Mob/Groupthinkers understood irony. Your post should motivate the aforementioned prowling packs to stop and think, but fairness, common sense and God forbid, facts, absolutely infuriates them.

An intelligent, well thought out, much-needed post on this dark and misleading message board.

Thank you!
Wtf is this OP about?? I’m tired of these stupid comparisons.

Nobody hated Jimmy; he just wasn’t Schnelly. Schnelly JUST led us to our 1st national championship, ever, and then he bounced. That hurt many fans. Then comes JJ, and it felt like wtf??! (I was too young at this time, but the old heads schooled me on the history & their feelings) That was for HIS FIRST YR here. Clearly, the program continued to ASCEND year to year under JJ’s watch. JJ went, if I’m not mistaken, 52-9 in FIVE YEARS. (Richt is now 26-12 here in only year 3)

Ppl didn’t hate Erickson, it’s just that he wasn’t JJ, and JJ had us humming. (Personally I was ****ed, b/c it was during JJ’s era that I became a Cane). But Erickson won a title his VERY first yr, so why in the fck would we hate him?? We were in the hunt **** near every year w Erickson:
1989: National Champs
1990: went 10-2 smoked Texas (Cotton Bowl)
1991: National Champs
1992: played for National Championship
1993: (his worst year at 9-3 and got ran through in the Fiesta Bowl)
1994: played for National Championship

As I’ve mentioned to ad-nauseum, with Butch here, he took over the program w a black eye and stained rep. Our expectations were unrealistic and unfair, and yes, he was hated simply b/c we were spoiled w success from the other coaches.
We had just won 4 titles in 11 yrs, and arguably could’ve won 7 in 11 yrs had Vinny not thrown that game in 86, the refs not hosed us in 88, and Costa could freggin complete a pass for 6 yrds in 94! (Sorry still ****ed)

**** Yeah we were upset that we were winning just 8 games under Butch! However, hindsight being 20/20, Butch was just a 1st yr head coach, as well, w no prior head coaching experience, unlike JJ or D.E.

So for u to say Richt is in good company with those aforementioned coaches is laughable. JJ went from going 8-5 in yr 1, to 10-2 in yr 2, to playing for a national championship in YEAR 3, to WINNING IT ALL by year 4.

D.E got us a chip in yr 1 & yr 3 and played for two additional championships in 92 and 94!!!!

Butch went 4-0 in bowl games w half a team, and was a 1st yr head coach w sanctions, while in interim, constructing the greatest NCAA team ever, peppering the NFL w superstar after superstar even during the lean years.

Slap ur self!
We did not play for the title in 94. Had every other bowl game gone our way we would have had a shot. They didn’t, so even if we beat Nebraska we were not winning a title.
Erickson was a crap coach.

Butch was dealing with probation

Another spot-on observation from a Herd member, because everyone knows Erickson was "Crap". Erickson won 2 of Miami's 5 National Championships (the only UM coach to win 2 National Championships), a perfect season (undefeated) and produced 14 All-Americans, 43 NFL draft picks (including seven first-round picks), an Outland Trophy winner, a Lombardi Trophy winner, and a Heisman Trophy winner. Erickson's six years at Miami include some of the Miami's most memorable victories: beating then #1 ranked Notre Dame in 1989, the infamous Florida State Wide Right I in 1991 and Wide Right II in 1992, and a thrilling win at Penn State on national television that capped the toughest three-weeks of football scheduling in the country. During five of his six seasons, the Miami Hurricanes finished in the top-six in both national polls, winning two titles and two other times playing in the title game. Talk about "Crap"!!!

If you're not hatin', you're not tryin'. This message board is offering a primer course in hate, thus, soon the fans of the New England Patriots will be designating Coach Belichick as a "Crap Coach".

And pointing out that Bucth was "dealing with probation", while true and was a high hurdle to clear, the same Herd had a hard and fast rule that Al Golden couldn't point to sanctions and historically, non-stop bad press for a college football team (Shapiro) as an excuse.

This message board is chock full of facts...Erickson was "Crap"...who would've thunk it?
Nobody hated Dennis Erickson at the time. He did a majority of his winning with Jimmy's recruits but his final team at Miami went 10-2 with a close loss to eventual champion Nebraska in the bowl game. His worst season was 9-3 in 1993. Maybe after the fact people got mad because he let the program get so out of control, they got hit with all the sanctions but while he was here, everyone loved Coach E.

Butch was hated pretty much from day 1 until he finally broke through in 2000. I distinctly remember the banner flying over the Orange Bowl "From National Champs to National Chumps Thanks, Butch". The love that Miami has for Butch today is based solely on his assembly of the early 2000's teams. While he was actually coaching the Hurricanes, nobody liked him.
Nobody hated Dennis Erickson at the time. He did a majority of his winning with Jimmy's recruits but his final team at Miami went 10-2 with a close loss to eventual champion Nebraska in the bowl game. His worst season was 9-3 in 1993. Maybe after the fact people got mad because he let the program get so out of control, they got hit with all the sanctions but while he was here, everyone loved Coach E.

Butch was hated pretty much from day 1 until he finally broke through in 2000. I distinctly remember the banner flying over the Orange Bowl "From National Champs to National Chumps Thanks, Butch". The love that Miami has for Butch today is based solely on his assembly of the early 2000's teams. While he was actually coaching the Hurricanes, nobody liked him.
The hate was at an all time high after the UDub game.
We did not play for the title in 94. Had every other bowl game gone our way we would have had a shot. They didn’t, so even if we beat Nebraska we were not winning a title.

There was still an outside shot at a title had Miami won because back then, they just voted on the National Champion since it was rarely determined on the field in a "championship game" type scenario. Still it would have been a long shot to jump an undefeated Penn State team.