Where are we today if Randy is kept 1 more year

lmao we'd be just as horrible. Teddy would be jacory 2.0 here with what Shannon and staff would've done to him. There's a reason Oregon and other big time schools wanted Jacory.
We are ****ED. That's where.

Being ****ed at Golden now shouldn't obscure you from what he has done here. He stabilized a program when stabilization was very difficult to do. He kept recruiting, and I don't know many people who could have done better given the situation we had going on (and the weapons that gave our enemies).

He has now reached a crossroads, hastened by his actions (or lack thereof) over the weekend, but to dismiss what he has done for us previously is to cut off your nose to spite your face.

Going forward he will be defined by the changes he makes this offseason. But it is indisputable he has this program is a MUCH better position now then when he took it over.
Think **** Germany in 1945 and the Hindenberg and combine those two disasters and multiply times inifiniti.

I really, really wanted for Shannon to succeed, but **** he let Miami down big time.
Another thread that confirms. We need a respect cap on poster that can start threads.
Given that we haven't really done anything since Randy was fired... it certainly would be fun to somehow find out what it would have looked like.

That loser had like 10 kids he was even recruiting for the entire class. We very well may have finished that class off with a record low # of commits signing papers on LOI day.

Actually.. I now wonder what the record low is for a Division 1 football team. Has anyone actually ever signed a class of 8 kids? I think Randy would have made a serious run at that #
I'm saying fire Shannon after an extra year. Have bridge water with I assume goldens staff. And JF.