When will there be good news?


Nov 2, 2011
I went out of the country for 10 days and all **** breaks loose.

  • They give Ray Ray the boot.
  • Yahoo comes up with some more BS.
  • Ryan Hill becomes the latest to betray the family.

It doesn't matter that the Yahoo story is mostly innuendo and no real wrongdoing, its in the news cycles and in the ears of our recruits. It would be nice if we could be discussing our upcoming season for once instead of trying to discuss allegations. And what really sucks about Ray Ray is that Golden specifically pointed him out in the offseason as having stepped up his dedication and turned a corner. It would be nice if one of these redemption stories worked out for once.

It would be nice if a lot of things worked out. Would be nice if the hatchet jobs would stop. When will there be good news.
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

It would suck if this poisoned another recruiting cycle.
SOme guys are talking about you in the WEZ North Florida Cane...something about a call out?
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

It would suck if this poisoned another recruiting cycle.

I think this class would be hurt worse than last year's, because this **** starts to feel like a trend.

I'm sure Golden has a plan for damage control, though.
As long we get Olsen, I'm not too worried about the hold up affecting recruiting. Having a good QB WILL pay dividends in the end.
i wouldn't mind 1 more thing of bad news if it meant that it was the last of the bad news - of course that last bad news being the penalties. Just want the team/program able to set in stone a plan moving forward. Hard to do that without knowing exactly what the penalties will be.
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

I'd rather have it right after signing day.

IMO, the penalty hurts us more the later in the recruiting cycle it is. When it's right at the beginning, you can adjust your strategy accordingly and have more time to work on kids.
I went out of the country for 10 days and all **** breaks loose.

  • They give Ray Ray the boot.
  • Yahoo comes up with some more BS.
  • Ryan Hill becomes the latest to betray the family.

It doesn't matter that the Yahoo story is mostly innuendo and no real wrongdoing, its in the news cycles and in the ears of our recruits. It would be nice if we could be discussing our upcoming season for once instead of trying to discuss allegations. And what really sucks about Ray Ray is that Golden specifically pointed him out in the offseason as having stepped up his dedication and turned a corner. It would be nice if one of these redemption stories worked out for once.

It would be nice if a lot of things worked out. Would be nice if the hatchet jobs would stop. When will there be good news.

It would be nice if people were held more responsible for the **** they write or say. It would be nice if those same people could man up when they are proven to be HORRIBLY WRONG, and actually come clean and admit they were wrong...

I'm looking at you Charles Robinson..

And of course you too NFC... Come clean and maybe some good karma can come our way, your NBA nonsense is making its way over here.
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

I'd rather have it right after signing day.

IMO, the penalty hurts us more the later in the recruiting cycle it is. When it's right at the beginning, you can adjust your strategy accordingly and have more time to work on kids.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall the NOA having penalties attached?
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

I'd rather have it right after signing day.

IMO, the penalty hurts us more the later in the recruiting cycle it is. When it's right at the beginning, you can adjust your strategy accordingly and have more time to work on kids.

Generally I would agree, but I think the uncertainty is worse than what we're actually going to get hit with.
Nobody outside the U family cares about what Ryan Hill said on FB, and few inside the family care. That's not going to make it far in recruiting circles, and ESPNU wouldn't dream of making it a story on CFB Tonight or whatever show they've got.
Hopefully we get the notice of allegations before the season starts. That would ensure we get our penalty before NSD.

I'd rather have it right after signing day.

IMO, the penalty hurts us more the later in the recruiting cycle it is. When it's right at the beginning, you can adjust your strategy accordingly and have more time to work on kids.

Generally I would agree, but I think the uncertainty is worse than what we're actually going to get hit with.
