What do Louisville fans think of Miami?

It's clear that many of them aren't familiar with this guy:

This article actually made me laugh. Especially the part about bringing a lot of pressure to test their oline. I sure hope that is what happens but I don't have to good of a feeling about us getting pressure or penetration because that hasn't been the case all year long against mediocre teams not a good team like Louisville
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Posted: Today 8:11 PM
Re: How worried are you about Miami FL?? Post Rating (1 vote)
we lose by 2 td's first real team we play all year. UNLESS they get that damned offensive line back to what it was before injuries. then I call it even.
LOL at these guys. "I'm not worried, we have a roster full of South Florida guys". Um...and we don't?
At least they realized we exist (as in this board). For weeks they were claiming we (Miami) had no fans, and would have nobody at the game, because our scout board was empty and sniff and one other guy were the only ones posting on their board. Quite honestly, I thought sniff was dead, so I got a kick out of it.
My favorite quote was "their secondary is their achilles heel." Yeah that's it

I thought our DTs were our achilles heel. Wait it is LBs. No, no it is our lack of pass rush. Wait a second, they might be right, our secondary doesn't start coverage until 20 yards downfield. No, I am certain it is our complete inablity to tackle. Man these Loserville fans are really something thinking they can find our achilles heel. Mark has that well hidden behind wall after wall of intentional created flaws designed confuse offenses into indecision as to what 25 yard gain to take. We have them exactly where we want them.
This article actually made me laugh. Especially the part about bringing a lot of pressure to test their oline. I sure hope that is what happens but I don't have to good of a feeling about us getting pressure or penetration because that hasn't been the case all year long against mediocre teams not a good team like Louisville

Fans all over the country are clueless.
Dan E getting props lol

Dan E getting props and finally getting recognized for his stellar work, congrats man.

same can be said about CiS

the fact that a scout board wanted to show there own fans what another fan base thought, even though the miami fan base has a scout board they send these mofos to canesinsight.com

we made it?

I wish their ******* mods would get off their butts and approve my request to post in that thread.
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