Weird Vibes


Jan 8, 2019
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?
No Way Movie GIF by 1091
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?
They’re clearly doing all they can to keep him another year. I am expecting them to keep him. If that’s the case, I’ll no longer support the program and will find another team to follow. Y’all should do the same. Don’t get your hopes up, they’re looking to play us.

Just look at this dumb former players meeting. I’m looking at the wording they are using to describe the meeting. “Positive” “constructive” “support” “vision”, and explicitly stating they won’t be calling for firings.., what? Wtf type of liberal bs is the school on? This coach sucks.

I don’t trust the former players. Vilma wants Charlie Strong? Lmao, a joke.
We are all shaken that it has taken this long. I’m worried too but believe that the wrong will finally be righted.
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?
The reason you may be right is because Manuelito's daddy is a dirty corrupt political operative and stabbing people in the back is s.o.p.

No telling what kind of blackmail material Shalala may have shared with him...
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?
He’s gone and Blake is gone.
Pure speculation here. Both Manny and Blake James are done. Manny is pure politician though and knows how to put that front up. Right or wrong seems that UM is going to let the season play out before it makes any announcement. Blake James is invisible right now and that is very telling.

Worst case scenario is the new AD evaluates Diaz and kicks him to the curb. I don't see any way that dude is on the sidelines next year. If he is we're f*cked, fold the program.
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?
I’m in the boat of until it’s official I believe he’s gonna be here next year. There is absolutely no reason he should still be coaching this team all it does is hurt recruiting even more but the BOT is dumb and is letting him finish this year
The BOT and admin don't care about athletics (minus a few) but they do care about getting embarrassed. Keeping Manny would cause them a lot more embarrassment, so i think they'll do the right thing but for the wrong reasons.
I get the feeling that Manny will be here next year, am I the only idiot? I mean if you look at how our program runs things we fire guys on the weekend no matter who the AD is and yet Manny survived lol Danny Miaz didn’t look in the slightest bit concerned in his press conference today bruh.
He’s acting as if his job isn’t in jeopardy. If I had to bet, he has this program by the balls and he’s not letting go until he is ready. What do you guys think?

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe Miami has the balls to let both Flake and Manure go at the same time—so I can sadly see James being the sacrificial lamb this season, with Diaz given a lame duck 2022 season, where if he doesn't deliver, the new AD will be in position to hire a new head coach.

The incompetence at UM; to think of no AD and no head coach in place in a matter of weeks—and some mad scramble to hire someone for each position—good luck with that. Hecht would crumble under the pressure.
At one point or another he has **** every bed and pair of pants he owns. Pick a meaningful category and he's failed in it. There's no reason to keep him around. He has shown NO improvement in any area. Players are transferring and more will be on the way if he stays. His staff wants out and have been putting feelers out.

I'm pretty certain that its over.

That being said.. he could very well end the season on a 3 game winning streak and threads will pop up on this board talking about he's righting the ship, showing improvement and about how IF IF IF he hires a defensive coordinator he could stay on as some kinda CEO head coach. There will also be clueless bot members who see it as winning 6 of his last 7, while making excuses about injuries' and youth.

So nothing would surprise me.