We don't live in a glass house.....but Vanderbilt...


Covert Bag Man
Jan 14, 2012
is supposedly suspending four football players for rape that allegedly occurred in the Vandy dorms. Rumors are running that more players may be involved....and there is a hint of scandal brewing.....some rumors are even saying James Franklin was trying to cover it up.

Rest assured Tennessee is fanning the flames and will spread any wild rumor to get Franklin out of Nashville.
If this has any merit then I would expect Vanderbilt as an institution to come down really hard on all involved. Of all the schools in the SEC it is probably the one that could fit in the ACC academically and, for that reason, the one most unlike the rest of the SEC. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, if the accusations are true. And if Franklin did try to cover this up then he'll be facing criminal charges for obstruction beyond what the university and the NCAA do.
since this has nothing to do w recruiting or illegal benefits...vandy will not feel any effects of this

Zero ***** given. Except for the rape, but that was taken I guess.
I don't see how this is Vanderbilt issue. This is a criminal issue. Vanderbilt did everything right in my opinion. Trying to say Vanderbilt is at fault in one way or another is like trying to blame the University of Miami or Coach Golden for what Jeffrey Brown did a couple of years ago. One has nothing to do with the other. Franklin is turning out to be a legitimate Head Coach and good for him and Vandy for acting swiftly and kicking these guys off campus and out of school!
I agree with Latin, Vanderbilt is an EXCELLENT institution, better in fact than all ACC schools, and acted quickly and decisively. If the rest of the $EC, FSU and others acted like them, they might not be able to field a team.
Several players ran a train on this chick! From what i understand she may have been a willing recipient and then was embarrassed afterwards so she reported it as a rape. If it were clear cut VPD and Metro's *** Crimes Unit would already be arresting everybody and their brother over this. There's a lot on this story but irregardless stupidity to even get involved in this type of a situation from a players standpoint.
Several players ran a train on this chick! From what i understand she may have been a willing recipient and then was embarrassed afterwards so she reported it as a rape. If it were clear cut VPD and Metro's *** Crimes Unit would already be arresting everybody and their brother over this. There's a lot on this story but irregardless stupidity to even get involved in this type of a situation from a players standpoint.

who wouldn't want to be a part of a train?
Actually Vandy is ranked ahead of all ACC schools except Duke, either 16 or 17. I think Vandy is handling the situation as a school should. It's criminal that UF and others tolerate what they do in the name of winning! I get the feeling coach Golden has the same level of integrity and would note tolerate poor behavior.
Actually Vandy is ranked ahead of all ACC schools except Duke, either 16 or 17. I think Vandy is handling the situation as a school should. It's criminal that UF and others tolerate what they do in the name of winning! I get the feeling coach Golden has the same level of integrity and would note tolerate poor behavior.[

That is actually correct. Did not realize Duke was top 10.