Washington Post Article on Larranaga

This FBI thing needs to go away so I can enjoy this season.

I found it sad to read. Potentially, the best team he's ever had, now with a cloud hanging over it all. I won't call it a black cloud but definitely a gray one. As tc said, just wish it would go away.

Any more knowledgeable people on this board know how this investigation is progressing and WHEN we might know something definitive? Also, whether if Coach L is 'cleared" (probably not the right word) by the FBI what, if any, jeopardy exists from the NCAA?
I found it sad to read. Potentially, the best team he's ever had, now with a cloud hanging over it all. I won't call it a black cloud but definitely a gray one. As tc said, just wish it would go away.

Any more knowledgeable people on this board know how this investigation is progressing and WHEN we might know something definitive? Also, whether if Coach L is 'cleared" (probably not the right word) by the FBI what, if any, jeopardy exists from the NCAA?

I would imagine we'd be fine if Coach L is cleared. It would be out of our realm of control if it was just Adidas trying to pay off the coach of a recruit. If anything the NCAA would target Adidas somehow.
The problem is that I never heard of the government ever officially "clearing" anybody. So this hangs over the program indefinitely.
Law enforcement and prosecuting authorities will never admit they were wrong. Just look at how State Attorneys offices vigorously oppose the release of individuals who have spent decades in prison, even after DNA testing has cleared them. They'll actually argue that the defendant received a fair trial (DNA evidence not existing at that time), which is all the law guarantees them. The fact that an innocent person is rotting behind bars means nothing to them. They'd rather be right than do right.
The problem is that I never heard of the government ever officially "clearing" anybody. So this hangs over the program indefinitely.

Until the trial is over I guess?

There will likely never be a trial. Usually how these things play out is that everybody indicted will end up taking plea deals and ratting out somebody higher up the chain. Meanwhile the DOJ never formally named L or Pitino, only alluded to them. It's insidious.
So, do I have this right" The allegation is that Coach L dealt with Messrs Code and/or Gatto in regard to going with the "Louisville scenario" of paying a recruit. Is this just Coach L's word against what Code/Gatto may be saying? Or, are there audiotapes? No wants wants prison time so does it come down to the quantity, or especially the quality, of any "evidence?"
Author started with potshots about attendance, and went downhill from there.
7 of the charged have pleaded not guilty yesterday and today with Gatto due to plea this afternoon.

Seven men indicted in college basketball bribery scandal plead not guilty | Zagsblog

If this is the extent of what the FBI could nail down after a years long investigation, I want my tax money back. A big name head coach needs to go to prison, or this investigation was a giant bust and cbb is way cleaner than I thought.

I wouldn't take anything from those pleas.
7 of the charged have pleaded not guilty yesterday and today with Gatto due to plea this afternoon.

Seven men indicted in college basketball bribery scandal plead not guilty | Zagsblog

If this is the extent of what the FBI could nail down after a years long investigation, I want my tax money back. A big name head coach needs to go to prison, or this investigation was a giant bust and cbb is way cleaner than I thought.

I wouldn't take anything from those pleas.

I would bet that -zero- head coaches go to prison as a result of this investigation. I would also love to be Pitino's attorney right now going after that buyout from Louisville. The 'Ville is going to get wrecked.