Want to win in today's FBS?


Feb 5, 2013
Then you cannot under any circumstance pretend these football players are here for anything but football.

I get it, its a school first blah blah. I get it, it's not professional blah blah. Fine, then eliminate the team. There is NO POINT in fielding a major college squad, fill it with below grade level athletes from inner city schools, all of whom are primarily concerned with making it to the NFL, and then treating them like regular students. The ONLY people this serves are bleeding heart administrators who don't like being in the moral and ethical quandary of "not educating the athletes".

Whenever someone says "well they are a school, they are morally responsible for educating the players", the answer to that absurd statement is as follows: 1) if education is the primary goal, then a much more morally appropriate avenue would be to spend money educating kids who actually ARE at grade level for your university, and stop wasting time with a football program that will never be able to match those standards. 2) of course, the only method a University has to PAY for this education of low opportunity students is the result of FANS/ALUMS PAYING FOR IT TO SEE THEM PLAY.

Does anyone in their right mind think that a University would be able to generate 50k a year scholarships for what amounts to hundreds of students, the majority of whom aren't academically suited for major universities, without the athletics attached to the students? The people who do donate for purely academic scholarships already use that money to pay for ACADEMIC STUDENTS. Without the sport, these kids WOULD NOT BE HERE. So why do certain universities lie to themselves? B/C it makes them feel better about using kids to generate millions of dollars in revenue and free publicity.

A bleeding heart like Shalala would never allow herself, as a lifelong educator, to accept the fact that Stacy Coley is not here to write an English paper. He is here to catch footballs, make the school money, please fans, and if he is fortunate, play in the NFL. But that is a moral conflict that she refuses to engage. The result is a farce in which our student athletes are spending more time doing things OTHER than football than their counterparts at successful programs like FSU, Bama, etc. Don't believe me?

Tell me, what kind of school let's a 2nd year student take strictly online classes? The kind that has come to terms with the farce, and stops pretending these kids are something they aren't.

Preach it brother.

So I ask myself this.... if the admin doesnt care, and they dont.... why should I? I ask this as a loyal fan and alum.
You want to win in today's BCS?

View it as the hypocritical, money-train that it is.

A money train that we'll never be able to afford the engine, but nevertheless, we'll get mad at the conductor.
Preach it brother.

So I ask myself this.... if the admin doesnt care, and they dont.... why should I? I ask this as a loyal fan and alum.

You shouldn't. And you should let your apathy/displeasure be noted to the clowns at the University who have been pulling wool over our eyes for a decade. Btw, this is part one of a multi-part series on why we have become such an embarrassment on the field.
You want to win in today's BCS?

View it as the hypocritical, money-train that it is.

A money train that we'll never be able to afford the engine, but nevertheless, we'll get mad at the conductor.

B/C of ACC TV rules and bowl revenue sharing, the only reason we bring in less money than say FSU is b/c our team stinks and our attendance is a joke. And while we will never sell out every game, with adjusted ticket prices and a better team we'd make more than enough money to operate properly in a modern model. The issue is that I as an alum have never once been asked to give to the football program. Why? B/c they don't really care to raise the money necessary to jumpstart the program and get the train back on track.......

If they wanted to, they could EASILY contact wealthy alumni and be able to supplement the necessary extras needed to reboot the program to a more self sufficient state (that WOULD occur if we had an elite program again). But they choose not to. b/c having a great program is not a priority. They will hire a solid up and coming coach who agrees to play by the rules and stress academics, and keep him until the wheels fall off completely and/or enough boosters say they will dissassociate themselves. Then they will hire another guy who seemingly could turn it around, and then continue to do the bare minimum. Rinse and repeat.
Preach it brother.

So I ask myself this.... if the admin doesnt care, and they dont.... why should I? I ask this as a loyal fan and alum.

You shouldn't. And you should let your apathy/displeasure be noted to the clowns at the University who have been pulling wool over our eyes for a decade. Btw, this is part one of a multi-part series on why we have become such an embarrassment on the field.

I havent bought season tickets in 3 years, I still donate though. I use to go to every game, make at least one road game, every bowl game that was possible. I just dont anymore, its not the same and it starts with that abortion of a stadium. And the worst part is, its like nobody in the BOT or the athletic department realizes the dumpster fire the stadium is. Our own small stadium would solve a crap load of problems. But I digress.... I care less and less every year, at what point do I turn in my fan badge and give up? It's plainly obvious to me nobody in Coral Gables gives a rats *** about it.
Preach it brother.

So I ask myself this.... if the admin doesnt care, and they dont.... why should I? I ask this as a loyal fan and alum.

You shouldn't. And you should let your apathy/displeasure be noted to the clowns at the University who have been pulling wool over our eyes for a decade. Btw, this is part one of a multi-part series on why we have become such an embarrassment on the field.

I havent bought season tickets in 3 years, I still donate though. I use to go to every game, make at least one road game, every bowl game that was possible. I just dont anymore, its not the same and it starts with that abortion of a stadium. And the worst part is, its like nobody in the BOT or the athletic department realizes the dumpster fire the stadium is. Our own small stadium would solve a crap load of problems. But I digress.... I care less and less every year, at what point do I turn in my fan badge and give up? It's plainly obvious to me nobody in Coral Gables gives a rats *** about it.
And thats why I made a thread stating everyone should withhold their money. Support the team by watching them on TV or by going on blogs and discussing them. But if the admins don't give a ****, then why give them any of your hard earned money.
IF the university actually cared, they'd have been actively searching for a proper stadium solution since 2006 when it was announced the OB was bye bye.

Was there ever a serious effort to retain the OB? Was there ever a campaign? How bout an effort to exert pressure from the city to allow us land elsewhere to build our own? Did the AD ever send out emails to prominent alum saying "we want a proper solution for our stadium, help us with money and political support"?

Did anyone at the U think to maybe make a deal with the Marlins themselves? Or to undercut the Marlins by making a deal with the Phins to buy that land and rebuild the OB in a modern facility?

Did anyone think to possibly, in the early 2000's when we had our highest ticket sales ever, had played in a million big money bowl games, and were the dominant south florida team, say "maybe we should look to buy the stadium from the city, and renovate it, and make it a cash cow"?

Of course not.

Instead, the thoughtful UM administration simply threw their hands up and google mapped the nearest football stadium and asked for a lease.

Does that sound like a president and administration that gives a **** about it's football program??????
In an era where you just saw Duke win 10 games, Stanford and Baylor annual Top 10 teams, and Vanderbilt rising to respectability...it is possible to straddle that line.

The difference between those three teams and Miami begins and ends with coaching.
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Many players earn scholarships, graduate, and go on to succeed in careers other than the NFL. In fact, MOST do not play in the NFL.