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All American
Nov 2, 2011
Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Do the board moderators make a distinction between saying that an argument sucks and the poster sucks?

Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Do the board moderators make a distinction between saying that an argument sucks and the poster sucks?

Yes, but understand they may just think differently then you and that doesn't make them wrong..
Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Do the board moderators make a distinction between saying that an argument sucks and the poster sucks?

Yes, but understand they may just think differently then you and that doesn't make them wrong..

You must not realize that I am never wrong. Therefore if they think differently than me, they are in fact, wrong. Please continue to moderate with that knowledge in mind.
Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Do the board moderators make a distinction between saying that an argument sucks and the poster sucks?

Yes, but understand they may just think differently then you and that doesn't make them wrong..

You must not realize that I am never wrong. Therefore if they think differently than me, they are in fact, wrong. Please continue to moderate with that knowledge in mind.
Sound like my wife, she never thinks she's wrong either.
Ok now that I got you to open the thread

Seems like we've had a few issues of late on the football&recruiting board so either people don't know the rules or just need to be reminded of them. I'm just gonna go over the main stuff that has been happening a lot lately.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9?Just explain why you think differently.

2. If it doesn't have to do with football don't post it on the football board. Same with the recruiting board if it doesn't have to do with recruiting don't post it there.

3. check this thread out http://canesinsight.com/showthread.php?174-Note-on-the-football-board-(if-you-re-new-please-read)

4. Try not to purposely incite discord.<just an example> Like needlessly bashing the coaches or players it's ok to like Randy Shannon more then Al Golden but every post from you doesn't need to be about that.

5. If you have any issues please let us mods know we want this to continue to be the best hurricanes website out there.

Do the board moderators make a distinction between saying that an argument sucks and the poster sucks?

Yes, but understand they may just think differently then you and that doesn't make them wrong..

I mention it because there seem to be posters who struggle with this.

Folks, there is a difference between saying your argument is wrong and the argument sucks BECAUSE....blah blah.
Which is different than saying your argument is wrong and your **********. The former is not my style, around here, but at least it's not a derail.
and if they cant follow the simple rules they are more then welcome to go back to grassy, canesport or whatever trollable site they came from.

1. Just because you don't agree with what someone post doesn't mean you need to call them a name, what are you 9? Just explain why you think differently.

am i the only one that finds this funny?

(It's hard to not call a dumbass a dumbass, but if it's going to cause problems, I'll refrain.)
If you came here with the mindset to troll on the FB and Recruiting Board then it's Boot2Asses..

If you came here with the mindset to troll on the FB and Recruiting Board then it's Boot2Asses..


The Football/Recruiting boards are zero tolerance.

If you can't control what you type, head to the WEZ.
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