Updated flow chart for the Canes to win the Coastal

I’d much rather have us ride train on our next two opponents, finish strong, and have a good chance of having the OB or a Tier 1 Bowl take a good look at us.

We sh*t the bed too many times early in the year to be considered for the Corstal Championship, just so we could see if we could keep it close against Clemson.
We don't NEED Vtech to lose to both GTech and Pitt, we just need them to lose to Pitt. It would definitely help us, but it wouldn't absolutely be neccessary. We would have the tie breaker in the event of a 4 way tie between US, UVA, VTech, and Pitt if that's what it came down to. Because UVA will have lost to us and Vtech, Vtech will have lost to Pitt and UVA, and Pitt will have lost to UVA and us. The only team in that group of 4 with 2 wins vs the other teams is us, giving us the tie breaker.

This is Minimum for us to win the Coastal:

- Miami > Duke 11/30
- Pitt > Vtech 11/23
- VTech > UVA 11/29
- BC > Pitt 11/30

That's all that matters, as far as I'm aware. If any of those specific games go a different way, we are eliminated.

The only flaw in your model is that you have UVA losing to VT and you have VT losing to UVA. I mean that would be ideal wouldnt it...
We don't NEED Vtech to lose to both GTech and Pitt, we just need them to lose to Pitt. It would definitely help us, but it wouldn't absolutely be neccessary. We would have the tie breaker in the event of a 4 way tie between US, UVA, VTech, and Pitt if that's what it came down to. Because UVA will have lost to us and Vtech, Vtech will have lost to Pitt and UVA, and Pitt will have lost to UVA and us. The only team in that group of 4 with 2 wins vs the other teams is us, giving us the tie breaker.

This is Minimum for us to win the Coastal:

- Miami > Duke 11/30
- Pitt > Vtech 11/23
- VTech > UVA 11/29
- BC > Pitt 11/30

That's all that matters, as far as I'm aware. If any of those specific games go a different way, we are eliminated.

If those 4 games happen, then you have a 4-way tie in the Coastal between UM, Pitt, UVa, and VaTech, who would all be 5-3 in the ACC.

In a 3-way (or 4-way) tie, the first tiebreaker is the record against the other tied teams.

UVa and Pitt are both 1-2 against the other 3. However, UM and VaTech are both 2-1 against the other 3.

Therefore, UVa and Pitt would both be eliminted, leaving a 2-way tie between UM and VaTech.

And in a 2-way tie, the first tiebreaker is head-to-head, which VaTech wins.

Thus, we need VaTech to lose to GaTech and Pitt, before beating UVa.

Three-Team (or More) Team Tie:
(Once a team is eliminated from the tie, the tie-breaker procedures restart for the remaining teams. If the three (or more) team tie can be reduced to two teams, the two-team tiebreaker format will then be applied.)

1. Combined head-to-head win percentage among the tied teams.
If those 4 games happen, then you have a 4-way tie in the Coastal between UM, Pitt, UVa, and VaTech, who would all be 5-3 in the ACC.

In a 3-way (or 4-way) tie, the first tiebreaker is the record against the other tied teams.

UVa and Pitt are both 1-2 against the other 3. However, UM and VaTech are both 2-1 against the other 3.

Therefore, UVa and Pitt would both be eliminted, leaving a 2-way tie between UM and VaTech.

And in a 2-way tie, the first tiebreaker is head-to-head, which VaTech wins.

Thus, we need VaTech to lose to GaTech and Pitt, before beating UVa.

Three-Team (or More) Team Tie:
(Once a team is eliminated from the tie, the tie-breaker procedures restart for the remaining teams. If the three (or more) team tie can be reduced to two teams, the two-team tiebreaker format will then be applied.)

1. Combined head-to-head win percentage among the tied teams.

i cant see them losing two straight then going on and winning a final game lol, but crazier things have happened
If Canes somehow backed into winning the Coastal Manny would probably get a contract extension and this board would go ballistic
Do you guys really want to go to the championship game? I know it would be nice to win the costal and go, possibly shock the world and knock off Clemson or make it super close (it's possible) but I like our chances better if we just win out and have a solid bowl win to carry into next year.
I'd be quite happy with winning our last two and then getting a marquee W in a bowl game. But, yes, if given the choice I would 100% choose a place in the ACCCG.
All of these things will happen and we will **** the bed against Duke to ruin everything.
Why are people entertaining this? Pathetic
If we showed up to play (a big IF), we would by far be the team that could give Clemson a run. All the other squads are absolutely no match. Clemson already had their scare against UNC and the only team with the horses to compete would be us
He had UNC at 4th and 17.

GT was absolute trash, and needed one FG.

Welcome to UM in the XoRastaL Dibishin of dUh mAaCC.
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Read your post again. UVA and VT can't both lose their game against each other. If VT only loses to Pitt then they would be 2-1 against the other 3. Same as us and they have the tiebreaker on us.
Oh ****, got it. I legit just mixed UVA and VT up...