If you are going to take students of any sort into institutions who are not prepared for nor capable of preparing for such institutions, then you have two choices. Dum down the courses and degrees you offer or fail students. This is not just a atheletics thing. For the last 50 years, politics have mandated that EVERYONE is college material. Easier courses and useless degrees where the logical result. I look at the education our children and their spouses recieved from major state universities and it is roughly equal to my high school. Actually, my college education in the early 70's added little to what I learned in high school. This is a result of our society and government, not frigging football. Basket weaving courses did not start so football players could take them; they started so kids who have no business in college could take them. There are nice easy cousres in Harvard for kids who don't belong there to take also. ****, I don't even think they give grades there anymore. Stop blaming football players, at least they have an actual task to do at school.
utterly amazing this is not a major NCAA investigation, UNC has been and remains completely out of control.