UNC is over. We play Wake Forest next.

Even thought the university is saying we have minimal tickets left I wonder how many people show up for a Top 10 undefeated, 12pm game? I say between 50-55k.

It is employee day, so there will be a lot more fans than usual since they're giving tickets away to employees. Still won't be anywhere near what a top 10 team deserves. I'm going to hope for 55,000 actual fans, and then get disappointed when I see a half empty stadium at noon.
Jim Grobe is a good coach, it's very hard for the Deacs to recruit over 3 stars, but they often find some gems. Because the league has gotten better he no longer has the ability to red shirt all the recruits and is starting more frosh and sophs - but with good coaching they will improve thru the year. They did beat a not so hot Wolfpack team and we're not really knocking any socks off on either side of the ball. Expect a Miami win, fairly handily but not a blowout - would be happy to take one though. Hope Wake knocks the p!ss out of MD, so they can wander off to B1G land to dwell in their cellar.
Well, I'm pretty sure 95% of the posters on here will predict that we win 56-0 and then when it's closer, they will freak out.
****, we best watch out for Wake. They are taking it to almighty Maryland. These guys were top 25 right ?
Wake is up 34-10. We should beat Wake easily, but I highly doubt we beat them 56-0 like a lot on here are going to predict and expect. Wake is not good, but they're not horrible either. They have a shot to go 6-6 or 7-5 this year. They'll be 4-3, 2-2 after today, and they have us and FSU left, but also Syracuse, Duke and Vandy, so a shot at 2-3 more wins too and a bowl berth.

I think we win comfortably, but not 56-0. I think somewhere around 34-14.
There's like no way that we don't molest Wake by about 3-4 touchdowns.

Al will use what happened on Thursday night and Saturday around the country to have guys on their edge.
I have faith Al will have the team focused on Wake, because I know the fans are already looking ahead to FSU.