Trevor Trout Top 5

Coach kool offered this man a scholarship to Missouri when he was in 8th grade. Kool has been Recruiting him the longest of any of the coaches .

Trout has said on many occaisions that he wants to get into broadcast media after college. Hence why USc is a big player because their media school is exceptional . t media also loves to hire former Miami hurricanes too

Go Canes

Miami has a good school of journalism and our market catapulted some of the most successful people in the biz.
Forget about broadcasting. Does anybody on the staff speak fluent NBA? I checked his twitter. I never check twitter. This kid is obsessed with the NBA.
Advertisement much is a first class ticket to Miami from where he lives?
The guy you want is Thompson - not trout

get both of course or whoever wants to come.

I’ll pass on trout. Give me Thompson and Carson. Ideally, goldwire and Thompson, though.

Goldwire already signed

My bad - was out of town this whole week. Then give me Thompson and Carson?

Gotcha. We didn't even send Goldwire an LOI Wednesday.