Trevonte Citizen injury considered serious [Sep 23 - *may* return this year]

Thankfully we were able to get 2 2023 guys and Allen from the portal. Could never have enough rb depth especially with Chaney and Citizen dealing with injury history.
1. I've said it on this board 500x, but I will always maintain that the 2001 Frank Gore was the quickest back into and through a hole that I've ever seen in my life, in person. Ever. He wasn't a 4.2 kid, so once he opened it up in the open field he wasn't the fastest guy who ever lived, but coming out of his stance, taking a handoff from a QB, reading the flow of a play and exploding through a hole, I've never seen anything like it. For you young bucks, you gotta remember, 2000 was basically a different world. I had heard of Frank just because he ran for 3000 yards or something close to it his senior year at Gables, but I was from Broward, I never saw him in HS and there weren't infinite internet videos of these kids then. Recruiting was VERY early in terms of how it's covered today. So to most of us, he was just a name on a list and we were excited we were getting this super productive kid from down the road.

But the first time I saw him play in person, which was the Rutgers game in 2001, his first home game, he literally took my breath away. Like I couldn't speak for a second and was like, was that? He was shot out of a ******* cannon. And then he played more and more that year and wound up running for 9.1 yards per carry, and it's not like he carried the ball 12 times. He had over 60 carries and averaged NINE POINT ONE. It was insane in the OB, he would get the ball and people wouldn't even really cheer, you'd just hear this kind of hushed murmur like every single person there was turning to the person next to them and being like "Did I just see that correctly? Who the **** is THAT KID??!" He was absolutely sensational. And we never got to see that back ever again. He played in only 4 more games before he had two blown knees, and STILL is an NFL Hall of Famer. Absolutely amazing.

2. Don't sleep on what was brewing in that 2002 season after the first knee injury. He played in 4 games and had 453 yards and 4 TDs before he got hurt early in Game 5. Jarrett Payton was the only other experienced back on that team. Frank was going to put up 1200+ yards EASY that year, and then bang, there goes another knee.
Agree. Never saw a running back like him. So quick, so effortless. So excited to see what his future would.
I feel so bad for Citizen & Chaney. Still rooting for them, but I've definitely lowered my expectations for both. Just terrible luck with injuries.
I guess you were asleep during the spring. If anything my expectations have risen for Chaney after the spring he just had and the new OL and OC. 🤷‍♂️
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Oh ****, posted this pic in another thread without seeing this. My bad!
His injury was such a bummer, with how the season turned out he easily would’ve got a ton of burn and been in the rotation all year long. Hopefully he can come back at some point and show even post injury he belongs.
Well, I was a young kid & it was clear it was racist af. Buckwheat was the quintessential definition of stereotype & there were other racist monikers throughout. Not trying to chit on ur childhood, but it is what it was.
I was a kid in elementary school in the 50s. All the Black characters in the movies and on TV back then were comic relief, playing maids and servants mostly, rolling their eyes and Tomming it up big time. Only way they could get work. Wasn't until the mid 60s/early 70s that Black actors ike Jim Brown and Richard Roundtree, Ron O'Neal, Pam Grier, Fred Williamson, etc. changed that dynamic.
Man you have to look at the time period and how it was viewed THEN. That series was developed in 1922 and ran to 1938. Lot of reruns were shown. It was very well received by the black community in that era. Reading a review of what the series was at that time "The series broke new ground by portraying white and black children interacting as equals during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation". Buckwheat started out as a female character in the early years and morphed into a boy at some point. It was produced and filmed in LA and the producers held periodic contests around the community to replace characters as they grew out of the child roles. Things were a lot different 100 years ago when the series of films launched.

Buckwheat was way ahead of this whole trans thing
I’m 37 and haven’t seen the show. Watched the movie many times. Buckwheat’s character will do anything for a dollar and is supremely loyal. His character is meant to be comedic relief. Though this movie isn’t racist the usage of Buckwheat as “token” is part of what was problematic in Hollyhh
First post eh? I see you
I was a kid in elementary school in the 50s. All the Black characters in the movies and on TV back then were comic relief, playing maids and servants mostly, rolling their eyes and Tomming it up big time. Only way they could get work. Wasn't until the mid 60s/early 70s that Black actors ike Jim Brown and Richard Roundtree, Ron O'Neal, Pam Grier, Fred Williamson, etc. changed that dynamic.

Exactly; Again, I’m not going to further derail this entire thread on this topic, but yeah u hit a huge part of the nail on the head.
I guess you were asleep during the spring. If anything my expectations have risen for Chaney after the spring he just had and the new OL and OC. 🤷‍♂️
The low expectations for Chaney have zero to do with the OL, the OC, his talent, or anything else besides his injury history. If he can’t stay on the field, then we can’t expect anything from him.
My hot takes are that Chaney is All Conference this season and Citizen comes back 100% by next season to battle for playing time. Whether he can beat out the other guys remains to be seen. But it won’t be because of injury.
1. I've said it on this board 500x, but I will always maintain that the 2001 Frank Gore was the quickest back into and through a hole that I've ever seen in my life, in person. Ever. He wasn't a 4.2 kid, so once he opened it up in the open field he wasn't the fastest guy who ever lived, but coming out of his stance, taking a handoff from a QB, reading the flow of a play and exploding through a hole, I've never seen anything like it. For you young bucks, you gotta remember, 2000 was basically a different world. I had heard of Frank just because he ran for 3000 yards or something close to it his senior year at Gables, but I was from Broward, I never saw him in HS and there weren't infinite internet videos of these kids then. Recruiting was VERY early in terms of how it's covered today. So to most of us, he was just a name on a list and we were excited we were getting this super productive kid from down the road.

But the first time I saw him play in person, which was the Rutgers game in 2001, his first home game, he literally took my breath away. Like I couldn't speak for a second and was like, was that? He was shot out of a ******* cannon. And then he played more and more that year and wound up running for 9.1 yards per carry, and it's not like he carried the ball 12 times. He had over 60 carries and averaged NINE POINT ONE. It was insane in the OB, he would get the ball and people wouldn't even really cheer, you'd just hear this kind of hushed murmur like every single person there was turning to the person next to them and being like "Did I just see that correctly? Who the **** is THAT KID??!" He was absolutely sensational. And we never got to see that back ever again. He played in only 4 more games before he had two blown knees, and STILL is an NFL Hall of Famer. Absolutely amazing.

2. Don't sleep on what was brewing in that 2002 season after the first knee injury. He played in 4 games and had 453 yards and 4 TDs before he got hurt early in Game 5. Jarrett Payton was the only other experienced back on that team. Frank was going to put up 1200+ yards EASY that year, and then bang, there goes another knee.
2003 he reinjured his knee

Gore should have played in the 2002 Title game

2001 Gore is the best RB I've ever seen. Period.
I was a kid in elementary school in the 50s. All the Black characters in the movies and on TV back then were comic relief, playing maids and servants mostly, rolling their eyes and Tomming it up big time. Only way they could get work. Wasn't until the mid 60s/early 70s that Black actors ike Jim Brown and Richard Roundtree, Ron O'Neal, Pam Grier, Fred Williamson, etc. changed that dynamic.
Little known fact expect for those of us who took the challenging History of Television communications course in college,
The first black lead actor on TV was …..Bill Cosby in “I Spy” where he co-starred with Robert Culp
I feel so bad for Citizen & Chaney. Still rooting for them, but I've definitely lowered my expectations for both. Just terrible luck with injuries.
Just curious but what HISTORY have you seen with Trevonte? I'm confused maybe by the root of that word. Unless him having a setback with one injury is considered two seperate things that is...