This guy does analytics??

He's using historical numbers. He really needs a disclaimer about past performace not being an indicator of future results.

Sure...I could use Alabama’s performance in the early 2000s to predict a 6-5 record this year. I could make a 1998 prediction about the Marlins and say that they are favored to repeat as World Series Champions. Does offseason changes play no part in this guy’s predictions?
Sure...I could use Alabama’s performance in the early 2000s to predict a 6-5 record this year. I could make a 1998 prediction about the Marlins and say that they are favored to repeat as World Series Champions. Does offseason changes play no part in this guy’s predictions?
I have no idea what he's looking at.


He's using historical numbers. He really needs a disclaimer about past performace not being an indicator of future results.

This board needs a disclaimer about preseason homerism not being an indicator of future results.
OP is the king of starting threads with opinions from random people nobody ever heard of or cares about.
Is that you, Adam?
Here’s what you all gloss over, we still have the same head coach. Yes, great recruiting. Fine, be our recruiting coordinator. Has he out schemed anyone? He’s great at washing his hands of Enos’s failures. They are his failures though. He let them play out. He didn’t know any better. He still doesn’t. He doesn’t scare anyone.