I wanna say this straight off the bat. Aqm and Grace punishment was excessive and uncalled for. Our biggest problem at UM has been the administration.Looing out for this University, and not the players when a incident like this happens. In the coming days you will hear the talking heads give every excuse that they can find to justifi this course of action. While the other big boy teams like ALA,TEEN,OHIO ST and others get away with murder. Right here in our own back yard star player are plucked.
Mother or fathers are given new jobs, in witch there sons attend the same University town and state. How about that,what a coincidence. You see the former high school star posting pictures of his new car on Instagram. Don't look, no NCAA violation here. Look, on the field or off it we never get treated fair. Its us against the world. My loyalty has always been with the young men who chose the U!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE ELSE
Mother or fathers are given new jobs, in witch there sons attend the same University town and state. How about that,what a coincidence. You see the former high school star posting pictures of his new car on Instagram. Don't look, no NCAA violation here. Look, on the field or off it we never get treated fair. Its us against the world. My loyalty has always been with the young men who chose the U!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE ELSE