The Work?

We need an iphone app that send us updates when a new work is uploaded

I'll never understand why he posts that the work is coming, then doesn't deliver, and then doesn't respond to anyone that questions why it didn't come. This is no knock on Pete because he has been bringing straight heat lately and most importantly FREE straight heat. But I would assume it is Journalism 101 to not tell the public you are about to drop and article and then never drop it. If there is even a remote chance you aren't going to get it done then why tweet it out? Just keep it to yourself until you have it finished and then boom post it.

Again, just my two cents and not trying to knock Pete because I know he is hustling his *** off. This has just become a frustrating trend, that is a simple enough fix to never happen!

Thanks for all the hard work Pedro!
I'll never understand why he posts that the work is coming, then doesn't deliver, and then doesn't respond to anyone that questions why it didn't come. This is no knock on Pete because he has been bringing straight heat lately and most importantly FREE straight heat. But I would assume it is Journalism 101 to not tell the public you are about to drop and article and then never drop it. If there is even a remote chance you aren't going to get it done then why tweet it out? Just keep it to yourself until you have it finished and then boom post it

Again, just my two cents and not trying to knock Pete because I know he is hustling his *** off. This has just become a frustrating trend, that is a simple enough fix to never happen!

Thanks for all the hard work Pedro!

...because there is some big news about to drop and he is working to add it.
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I'll never understand why he posts that the work is coming, then doesn't deliver, and then doesn't respond to anyone that questions why it didn't come. This is no knock on Pete because he has been bringing straight heat lately and most importantly FREE straight heat. But I would assume it is Journalism 101 to not tell the public you are about to drop and article and then never drop it. If there is even a remote chance you aren't going to get it done then why tweet it out? Just keep it to yourself until you have it finished and then boom post it.

Again, just my two cents and not trying to knock Pete because I know he is hustling his *** off. This has just become a frustrating trend, that is a simple enough fix to never happen!

Thanks for all the hard work Pedro!

Probably just trying to get more people to the site for his other articles by teasing them with the work. Again, can't complain cause it's all good stuff.