The Work 1-20 (Louisiana Edition)

Richt is a god with moms. Someone from UM's side should alert Logan's mom to Orgeron's sordid past. If she loves good guys like Richt it'll cement that even more.

Be careful of what u wish for as far as what mom's know. Richt's teams at UGA were far from choir boys and had many run in with law for various reasons. That along with not winning was the reason he was ran out of Athens.

But, I do agree he is not as bad as Orgeron.

1. Washington State 31

Holy ****, this is what happens when you're a team that gets no attention and you're located in the middle of nowhere. Is Washington State a football team or a criminal syndicate?

2. Florida 24

Interestingly, if you combine Florida and Ohio State's arrests, Urban Meyer would be number one on this list.

3. Georgia 22

Totally where I would expect to see Georgia, the Bulldogs can't even get the most arrests in the SEC, they Georgia'd it.

3. Texas A&M 22

Fun fact, the only place that carries the Longhorn Network in College Station? Jail.

5. Oklahoma 21

Gotta give it to Bob Stoops, he finished behind three SEC teams even on this list.

Golden would make the list is they counted players kicked off for being mean spirited at practice.