The WEZ is Accepting New Membership!


dat boi peezy
Mar 23, 2012
Hello potential members of the 2nd greatest secret society on the planet!

I'm Noah, a simple man from a simple town here to extend the warmest of invitations to you to join the exclusive elite club many of you know as "The WEZ".

What's that you say? The WEZ is full of retards and degenerates? Don't be silly. Come on over and find out for yourself!

The first 10 new members will receive a free GOLDEN STAR of reputation to make the transition easier!

See you soon:
The WEZ will change your life forever. If you want to be a winner at life, A Savage, or you want to drive a Bentley...that's where you belong.
What is this 'WEZ' to which you refer? Isn't it just another political forum? A place for people to have ideological circle jerks with like minded individuals seeking self assurance?
Hello potential members of the 2nd greatest secret society on the planet!

I'm Noah, a simple man from a simple town here to extend the warmest of invitations to you to join the exclusive elite club many of you know as "The WEZ".

What's that you say? The WEZ is full of retards and degenerates? Don't be silly. Come on over and find out for yourself!

The first 10 new members will receive a free GOLDEN STAR of reputation to make the transition easier!See you soon:


Shiny objects, and one's greed for them can instigate a man (or woman in some cases) with just decent testosterone to do pretty much do anything. Tread wisely. But tread.
The WEZ will change your life forever. If you want to be a winner at life, A Savage, or you want to drive a Bentley...that's where you belong.

What if I just want to sit on the beach, drink, check out girls and watch football? Is that the place for me too?