The U will never be back

He has 2 win the recruiting battle which he hasnt, he said wen he got the job that he would beat bama in crootin. he hasnt
They are scared. SEC knows if we get a real coach their day is over just like the Big 8 back in the day. Barry always recruited So Fl for OU and we killed his frigging program and the whole conference. Do we need to capture more kids from down here? Sure. Can we? You better believe it. Right now our team has all the talent it needs to kick the crap out of any SEC school with the right coach, except DT. We have a QB and our LBs are finally looking like Miami LBs. two or three Miami caliber DTs and a decent coach and we are beating anyone again. The last couple weeks we have seen what just a little aggression does to our defensive players. Watch Bama and LSU Saturday. Their battle reminded me a little of the Miami/FSU games EXCEPT we both had top end offenses to go with the best defenses. And our defenses were better too. Losing the OB was horrible, but getting Donna was even worst. She is going. We only need next president to ***** up and hire a real coach.
Stadium is huge its a different time a different era social media... That lsu bama ebviroment lets see what miami fsu looks lije compare to it
This according to Tony Barnhart of the SEC network. Today on the John Feinstein show, Tony Barnhart sounded off on the FSU v. Miami football matchup. He was questioned as to why he thinks Al Golden has not been able to turn this program around since he was able to turn a depleted Temple program around. Tony responded by stating the U will never be back no matter how "good" of a coach we have in Al Golden for the simple fact that other programs can now come into our backyard, with confidence, poach kids and sell them on a winning tradition and playing in a....wait for it.....full stadium. He went on to say that Sun Life Stadium has been the true death of this program b/c kids see how empty and lifeless it is and it's turning them off no matter how much of a "fan" they may be.

Substitute ''selling'' them and ''buying'' them, and you have something.

There are the occasional intelligent kids like Amari Cooper who make a serious business decision that UM is pretty stacked at WR and why not go try to be the man and replace a J. Jones, not to mention countless others who, whether we like it or not, probably would not have been developed as well at their respective position under Coach whomever.....but...

I am skeptical as **** about some claim that most go to the SEC or anywhere else strictly for the crowds.

If we get Butch or Schiano we'd average 55K plus fans immediately. As soon as we start keeping our boys home and winning games Sun Life would be full. Barnhardt, ESPN, SEC and commentators know that the U had the stupidest administrators and won't do the most obvious things to become the prime time football powerhouse it could be. They know Miami could be a beast again, but laugh that we let a no coaching chump lead our program!

Attendance Numbers:
2000 6 350,578 58,430
2001 6 282,972 46,162
2002 6 417,233 69,539
2003 7 406,945 58,135
2004 6 354,803 59,134
2005 6 271,862 45,310
2006 7 293,359 41,908
2007 7 305,124 43,589
2008 6 277,792 46,299
2009 6 285,306 47,551
2010 6 309,056 51,509
2011 7 393,451 56,207

Man what the fug is this?
COOL! someone said never… finally
He is right.

But not because of the stadium. We don't have an administration committed to winning football games.

Then they're wasting a lot of money. Yeah, I got Miami is in a revenue sharing conference. They've got to generate tickets sales, clothing deals, etc. and football carries other sports. Winning generates more revenue. If they don't care about football, then why is the next priority to get an indoor practice facility? Sports are expensive at Miami. Miami's tuition is 8 times the cost of Florida's. It's not like Miami has a huge endowment and it's not like it has alumni dropping 10s of millions on sports.
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He's right in one regard. We'l never get back to where we were in the 80s and 90s. We'll never see another decade where we play for a national title 6 times. It ain't gonna happen...and it won't happen for anyone else, either. Not Bama, not Auburn, not LSU. Parity is too great; teams like Miss State, Ole Miss, TCU, Baylor, other words, teams that never were any have the horses and the capability to make a run in any given year, which makes it even harder for any one team to hold onto all the glory for a decade.

UM can and will get back to a position of being in the top 20 every year, with regular appearances in the ACC champ game and occasional appearances in the national title game. There's too much talent in So Fla for it not to happen..and as much as Barnhardt and the SEC homers hate to admit it, UM's history still pulls top kids here, as does the lure of South beach, warm weather and hot girls.
He's half right. Miami will ever reach the pinnacle of the 80's simp,y because no team will ever do that again. Our only competition was FSU and ND and for a while Oklahoma. Our coaches discovered that speed over bulk wins and South Fl. Was/is the epicenter of speed. Guess what. Our crowds were sub par then as well.except for big games. We will be back in the discussion because of where we are and crowds will increase but will never equal what the schools in the sticks won't matter.
Hey Tennessee has "great" fans and a "great" stadium...they still suck. Why? because its about coaching, coaching, and coaching. Man, look how TCU and Baylor are better than Texas A&M and Texas, why? Gary Patterson is a helluva coach and so is Art Briles, Texas A&M has the 12th man for a fan bases whens the last time they won anything of importance? oh yeah, never

Miami is sitting in the best talent pool area in the country if the admin. ever pull their heads outta their ****s, we'll be back to winning, playing in a great stadium is a good recruiting tool but not be all end all kids.
The U will always be a threat. Too much talent here. You can't get all of them but theres a whole tier every year of kids who we don't even offer who will be very effective college starters. We can't get them all, but the truth is we never did.

I'm praying that Golden has figured it out. Its a small glimmer of hope but the past 2 games have been the first real signs of light at the end of the tunnel since Florida, and even that was a win that was tough to feel amazing about from a pure football perspective, as we were statistically dominated. Winning cures all. The stadium will fill up for the big games, thats how its always been. Good coaching is the key and the jury is still out on whether or not we have that. This is the big test, honestly this game cannot be understated in relation to how it shapes the trajectory of not only us, but a huge streak of national prominence for our biggest on and off field rival.
The U will always be a threat. Too much talent here. You can't get all of them but theres a whole tier every year of kids who we don't even offer who will be very effective college starters. We can't get them all, but the truth is we never did.

I'm praying that Golden has figured it out. Its a small glimmer of hope but the past 2 games have been the first real signs of light at the end of the tunnel since Florida, and even that was a win that was tough to feel amazing about from a pure football perspective, as we were statistically dominated. Winning cures all. The stadium will fill up for the big games, thats how its always been. Good coaching is the key and the jury is still out on whether or not we have that. This is the big test, honestly this game cannot be understated in relation to how it shapes the trajectory of not only us, but a huge streak of national prominence for our biggest on and off field rival.
The U will always be a threat. Too much talent here. You can't get all of them but theres a whole tier every year of kids who we don't even offer who will be very effective college starters. We can't get them all, but the truth is we never did.

I'm praying that Golden has figured it out. Its a small glimmer of hope but the past 2 games have been the first real signs of light at the end of the tunnel since Florida, and even that was a win that was tough to feel amazing about from a pure football perspective, as we were statistically dominated. Winning cures all. The stadium will fill up for the big games, thats how its always been. Good coaching is the key and the jury is still out on whether or not we have that. This is the big test, honestly this game cannot be understated in relation to how it shapes the trajectory of not only us, but a huge streak of national prominence for our biggest on and off field rival.

You can say that again!
The U will always be a threat. Too much talent here. You can't get all of them but theres a whole tier every year of kids who we don't even offer who will be very effective college starters. We can't get them all, but the truth is we never did.

I'm praying that Golden has figured it out. Its a small glimmer of hope but the past 2 games have been the first real signs of light at the end of the tunnel since Florida, and even that was a win that was tough to feel amazing about from a pure football perspective, as we were statistically dominated. Winning cures all. The stadium will fill up for the big games, thats how its always been. Good coaching is the key and the jury is still out on whether or not we have that. This is the big test, honestly this game cannot be understated in relation to how it shapes the trajectory of not only us, but a huge streak of national prominence for our biggest on and off field rival.

I dunno why Miami gets such a bad rap, I live 20-25 mins. from the University of Maryland, nobody goes to their games and they're a state school with a nice on-campus stadium, and have all that Under Armor money. Nobody goes to Maryland games unless its a big team in town like Ohio State...I don't get the Miami hate all the time
The attendance issue is stupid. The years before the run of NCs started (the mid-70s), attendance averaged 17,000-22,000 (inflated numbers, because I was there when it seemed like we only had a few hundred fans at the OB). If Miami can come back from that, they can come back from where we are now.
The U will always be a threat. Too much talent here. You can't get all of them but theres a whole tier every year of kids who we don't even offer who will be very effective college starters. We can't get them all, but the truth is we never did.

I'm praying that Golden has figured it out. Its a small glimmer of hope but the past 2 games have been the first real signs of light at the end of the tunnel since Florida, and even that was a win that was tough to feel amazing about from a pure football perspective, as we were statistically dominated. Winning cures all. The stadium will fill up for the big games, thats how its always been. Good coaching is the key and the jury is still out on whether or not we have that. This is the big test, honestly this game cannot be understated in relation to how it shapes the trajectory of not only us, but a huge streak of national prominence for our biggest on and off field rival.

I dunno why Miami gets such a bad rap, I live 20-25 mins. from the University of Maryland, nobody goes to their games and they're a state school with a nice on-campus stadium, and have all that Under Armor money. Nobody goes to Maryland games unless its a big team in town like Ohio State...I don't get the Miami hate all the time

The idea is that the Miami community should support a team as good as UM has been over the last several decades. Schools like Maryland, Pitt, UCLA, Georgia Tech--other schools in big cities--aren't expected to draw huge crowds because they've never had a truly great team to rally behind. Which is a valid distinction, IMO.