Defined "benched". Im not saying I want him demoted and Williams named the starter. BUT, Id like AG to give serious thought to sitting SM for a half, or even a whole game. For one thing, it is not unheard of in the LEAST for a coach to bench a player who is seriously underperforming to try to motivate him. Secondly, Morris HAS been HURT, and its clearly not totally healed. To what extent that is affecting him, I dont think anyone can say with certainty, but it certainly bears consideration, and gives a coach all the reason he needs to sit that player for a bit.
I dont think anyone should be "booing" Morris, but he is simply having an aweful year so far. I understand that Morris has more talent, and can make some amazing throws that Williams cant, but at what point is that outweighed by the major mistakes that Morris keeps making? What good does it do you to throw a 40 yard laser to a WR and get in the redzone, and then throw a boneheaded pick the next play and come away with nothing, and force your D back on the field? If Williams can march the offense down the field with a more steady, simpler approach, going mid range and underneath, while executing the offense efficiently and a good running game, he should be able to put points on the board, and limit mistakes. To me, that is preferable to the rocket arm that is going to throw 2-3 picks a game including costing us scores in the redzone. Ive said it before, but that is the recipie that helped Dorsey lose 1 game in 3 years here. And that is NOT to say that Williams is Dorsey, or anything close, BUT if he can be that TYPE of QB for us, I think it may be better in the long run.
In the end, I trust AG. If they feel that Williams is not good enough to get it done, then so be it. But I would give it serious thought if it was me. I dont believe in having "annointed" players. Not even QBs.