The Lord of No Rings

When Joe Maddon realizes his error and leaves, Martin needs to bolt from F$U and take over the Cubs; Perfect Fit!
I wish we were playing Free Shoes next week.

Don't forget, That Gatas coach, (who looks and talks like another Gata inbred dullard, Muschump) has somehow assembled another team that looks unbeatable. He has produced a number of teams that were FAR better than any opposition, and yet choked and puked consistantly. ALL their recruits eschew MLB to go to UF, and nobody ever leaves early. Curious.

But anyhoo, talk about a choker! Half *** SEC teams have won the CWS during his tenure, and a bunch more have done better than him.

Lets face it. Martin and Deliverence banjo player from UF are choking clowns. Lets hope I can say "See, I told ya so" Saturday night. :)