The Juan Harris drinking game


Savvy Vet
Jul 7, 2014
Just wanted to introduce you guys to a nice little recruiting drinking game that was created by Badger fans due to this kids wild recruitment. As of yesterday the young man made his FIFTH commitment, a re-commitment to Indiana, and it may not be done there with over 2 months to go. The kid is originally from WI and transferred/moved to a hs in IA for a year or two before transferring back to WI for his SR year. He has committed and de-committed from the Iowa Hawkeyes THREE times and has now committed to Indiana for a second time. You guys thought Travonte Valentine was bad....weirdly enough they are similar players as Juan is a 6'4" 370 pound kid that is extremely talented but not on TVs level.

Drink when his name is mentioned, drink when mentioning one of the schools he has de-committed from (Iowa has 3x multiplier), drink when someone asks if your school has interest in him, drink if your school does actually have interest in him, drink when the kid commits/de-commits. Have fun lol.

In all seriousness does anybody want to create either 1) A recruiting drinking game: ideas include: drink whenever a committed prospect lists Top schools, drink when they give a commitment level in terms of a percentage, drink when a committed prospect has another school as their leader, etc. OR 2) a NSD drinking game?

I always take the day off for NSD so I'm greatly interested in doing this if anyone else cares to join.

Juan Harris Timeline Events

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I made a thread on their 247 board entitled You Drunk Yet? I have already received multiple upvotes within minutes and the first comment made said they knew the topic of the thread before they opened it lol
Drink the number of beers as our final recruiting ranking. There you go you'll be ****ed up
I made a thread on their 247 board entitled You Drunk Yet? I have already received multiple upvotes within minutes and the first comment made said they knew the topic of the thread before they opened it lol

These are for you...
I made a thread on their 247 board entitled You Drunk Yet? I have already received multiple upvotes within minutes and the first comment made said they knew the topic of the thread before they opened it lol

These are for you...

LOL!!! I'm pretty sure hes a young'n....But if he's an OG like me, should be ashamed of yourself!! Nice work Liberty!!! LOL.. Hey, I'll take one with my coffee, Please.