And the best part is Richt with 1 month really has gotten a bette class then any Golden has ever had. So can't wait for us to start winning ACC championships as the top 5 classes will roll in ( not that there is big difference between say the
#1 and # 10 classes but it looks good.
I think I am the only one (pretty sure) that believes Folden would have landed another decent class if he stuck around.
They would have been miserable and underdeveloped for a year, but some of these kids really bought into his buddy buddy player's coach routine. I'm sure some of the alleged disappointment in his departure by '16 recruits was just show, but I think some of those guys really bought into his car salesman act more than many of us would like to believe now.
Hard to me to play both sides of that fence and claim Richt had a brutal time saving and putting together a decent class in such a short period of time and also pronouncing that his class would be so much better than what Golden would have ended up with....maybe its true, but it seems contradictory to a degree.
The only thing that is for sure as far as I'm concerned is that our current roster and new recruits will be better prepared in all facets of the game with Golden long gone.