Th Hat Trick


Nov 2, 2011
With that time of year upon us, how do you feel about the "Hat Trick"

My Thoughts-

Pro(sort of)
-If your hat is on the table recruits see the logo/brand even if it isn't picked
-If your hat isn't on the table nobody notices the ones not picked
-It is done so often that it is an after thought most times.
-Kids are having fun, no one is actually hurt by it

-Public rejection
-It is just a show put on to get attention (drama queen)

How do you feel?
would be alot better if the canes hats werent thrown to the ground after they were picked up each time. VT picked up the hat, Ray Ray and Dye put the hats on. Other then that we have been screwed.
I like it. Here's why:

First, the joy I get from seeing a kid put on an Orange and Green hat far outweighs the disappointment I get when a kid takes a Canes hat, throws it off to the side, and puts on a different colored hat. For example, a few years back I remember watching the Xavier Nixon commitment while I was in the gym. He picked up a green canes hat. I almost popped a chubby right then and there by the chest press machine. But after he tossed it away and put on the Gators hat, I was already over the whole thing.

Now if it were the other way around (and my disappointment outweighed my joy) I would be totally against it because so much more often than not, the kid is opting for a hat other than an Orange and Green one.

Second, when a kid puts on a canes hat and throws up the U on national TV, I love him. I get to look forward to rooting for the kid for the next few years. On the other hand, when I see a kid toss the canes hat to the side and a pick a different hat, I automatically despise the kid. I get to look forward to rooting against him during his entire career. Either way, the hat trick enhances my college football viewing experience.
don't like it. It's gotten old. Even today's high school kids should know this.
UM has, by far, gotten the worse of this fiasco.
Who has ever disrespected the U and thrown down our hat?

would be alot better if the canes hats werent thrown to the ground after they were picked up each time. VT picked up the hat, Ray Ray and Dye put the hats on. Other then that we have been screwed.