Sunlife Stadium thoughts

Looked packed on TV except for the completely empty section of seats between the 25 yard lines.
I believe once the renovations are complete, there will be no outcry for a new stadium.

Kidding right? Unless we go back to crushing other teams' dreams and winning NCs, we will always long for something else.
Here's the picture I took last night, of the visitor sideline. In looping the stadium during the delay I was shocked at how far removed the lower bowl seats remain from the field, including a 50 yard gap in the center of the visiting bench. The corners are not filled in, as the picture reveals. Then the seats are fairly close between maybe 2 yards deep in the end zone to about the 25. Then there's the 50 yard gap with the seating considerably further removed. That low wall gives the impression from the opposite side that the seating begins immediately behind it, but as you can see from the photo is actually much further away.

Visitor sideline.webp
I personally hated the fact that the seats were much closer together. Being a semi-tall guy (6'1") my shins were aching after the game from being crammed into the back of the seat in front of me. And this was in club level.
My thoughts?

It's not even a particularly good shade of lipstick for that pig. Boggles the mind they spent the money they did. Biggest wildcard is an efficient covering, and there is not a doubt in my mind that they will **** the roof up somehow.
I believe once the renovations are complete, there will be no outcry for a new stadium.

I believe you're never going to improve as a porster

Stadium is a **** abomination. What you're seeing now is the equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig. Location absolutely sucks balls and it will still have zero college atmosphere.

Beckham is our only hope...that and the entire BOT getting hit by a truck.
Stephen Ross spent 400 million and he still has a piece of **** for a stadium!
The stadium looks great and will look incredible next year. The sides have come in 28feet. And while some of you are never satisfied, I'll tell you that moving the seats closer, you will not see the field action if you are sitting between the 40's, which I do. Sitting where I sit, basically 40 yd line, I'm thrilled for the move up.

As a Dolphin and Canes fan, I'm thankful that Ross is spending $450M of his money to get he stadium modernized. Sure beats the alternative!
Both sideline seats are 25 feet closer to the field. That's a fact. It ain't Autzen or the OB, but that is much better
Both sideline seats are 25 feet closer to the field. That's a fact. It ain't Autzen or the OB, but that is much better

Most of the stadium did not move. They just added more seats on the North and South side of the stadium. The East, West, Club level and entire upper deck is not one inch closer. It's the same crap.
Both sideline seats are 25 feet closer to the field. That's a fact. It ain't Autzen or the OB, but that is much better

Most of the stadium did not move. They just added more seats on the North and South side of the stadium. The East, West, Club level and entire upper deck is not one inch closer. It's the same crap.

But but seats are closer to the action!!

I guess the bottom line is if the Canes were any good I wouldn't mind the ****tay stadium as much. Instead it's akin to going to a shttay restaurant with bad company
Both sideline seats are 25 feet closer to the field. That's a fact. It ain't Autzen or the OB, but that is much better

Most of the stadium did not move. They just added more seats on the North and South side of the stadium. The East, West, Club level and entire upper deck is not one inch closer. It's the same crap.

Club is larger than it was before, so the front of club is closer, technically. The average 100 level seat is closer...quite a bit, really. Row 1 is closer and since what used to be the back of 100 is now the front of 200...
Both sideline seats are 25 feet closer to the field. That's a fact. It ain't Autzen or the OB, but that is much better

Most of the stadium did not move. They just added more seats on the North and South side of the stadium. The East, West, Club level and entire upper deck is not one inch closer. It's the same crap.

Club is larger than it was before, so the front of club is closer, technically. The average 100 level seat is closer...quite a bit, really. Row 1 is closer and since what used to be the back of 100 is now the front of 200...

I sat in the club level and it looked the same. Regardless, still ****** stadium. Only now we will have empty couch seats in one of the most important sections of the stadium. Look at VT's stadium. That's what the kids like. Not our crappy stadium.
J - - -

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to clarify... changes were made to the stadium, and many are aware of what those changes were; however, for those who have yet to attend the post renovation stadium, the simple, and candidly interesting question remains:
to those who attended the game v. BC (and have previously attended games at the same stadium prior to the changes), did you notice changes to your experience (e.g, noise, viewability, etc.)? Thanks.
Sebastian needs to practice...can't do Canes cheer. UM band was late taking field, video board pump up wasn't timed right with Canes entrance. They need to get all of this synchronized for Nebraska! Loved when BC's band started bleating at one point & we turned up the music & put on the siren to drown them out....old school home cooking at it's best :nelson-haha:

This program is run by morons. It's amateur hour in Coral Gables.

Let's play more house music in a football game too, morons.

Listen to the music at any big sporting event now (watching OSU vs VT right now) and it's all the same. ****, guys play it when they walk to the batters box in a MLB game. Sign of the times...sign of the times

This isn't 2001 anymore
The seats were a different color and the they removed seats from the corner of the uppers. I believe they will have big screens there next year. I sit in the alumni club level. They changed the seats a bit and included a place to put your food and drinks between some of the seats. The biggest changes were cosmetic it seemed.

It is still is not meant for college football but the tailgating is always fun.

"but the tailgating is always fun"...gtfo!!! "fans" like you are part of the problem
Firing Day is 84 away.

Time to board the Love Train.

Sebastian needs to practice...can't do Canes cheer. UM band was late taking field, video board pump up wasn't timed right with Canes entrance. They need to get all of this synchronized for Nebraska! Loved when BC's band started bleating at one point & we turned up the music & put on the siren to drown them out....old school home cooking at it's best :nelson-haha:

This program is run by morons. It's amateur hour in Coral Gables.

Let's play more house music in a football game too, morons.

Listen to the music at any big sporting event now (watching OSU vs VT right now) and it's all the same. ****, guys play it when they walk to the batters box in a MLB game. Sign of the times...sign of the times

This isn't 2001 anymore

There was plenty of hip hop music mixed in with the pop. The music was fine.