Stephen A Smiff Mad Yall

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"college needs a Rooney Rule"? Are you f***** kidding me espn? Their liberal agenda pushing is stomach churning and disgraceful.

Funny as ****. He says **** like there should've been a black guy hired but can't name a candidate. Lol. The only guy he names is Strong..... ***** he's at Texas. He has a high profile job.

"college needs a Rooney Rule"? Are you f***** kidding me espn? Their liberal agenda pushing is stomach churning and disgraceful.

Funny as ****. He says **** like there should've been a black guy hired but can't name a candidate. Lol. The only guy he names is Strong..... ***** he's at Texas. He has a high profile job.

The dude needs to stay in his lane and talk about the NBA. Skippy had to bring up Randy Shannon. "Oh, I'm not talking about Miami." Hey dumb ***, wasn't this segment about Miami hiring Mark Richt?
To be honest he is right minus the racist part. I just feel he related his ideology to the wrong situation, Richt is a proven coach. One thing I can say is there is so many bad college coaches these days that's being paid six and seven figures, sometimes I wonder how the **** these guys have jobs. Most coaches are either stubborn or simply just can not coach and does not understand what it takes to be a coach.
He's mainly talking about the lack of AA coaches in CFB overall.
Some get too excited over minor things.

Dina Babers is a black coach that should be getting more action I believe.

Strong is not doing well at UT but he was a homerun at Louisville.

Shannon flopped.

Stephen A and Skip stuff are direct from the PRODUCERS...they are basically reading from the teleprompter Ron Burgundy style....


If it isnt obvious...Muhfukkin Trevor Mattich or whatver said that we basicaly need a coach that would commit violations and be a "pirate" for us to win...huh? Dude had no justification....Said we just needed a bad guy...ESPN pushing an agenda....

I dont take Stephen A or Skip seriously....Believe botha re more intelligent than they portray.
It is weird Eddie Cane, but only one side has substantial proof that he has singled them out as a demographic while insulting and dismissing them as a whole. And would be black people. 2) Many uneducated white men don't understand socioeconomic function and definition of racism. They don't know what the term means or how it functions. They are also oblivious to white supremacy (in their subconscious) and how if anyone challenges it, they are a racist. I hope this truth helps.
Some Points:

- Larry Scott WAS afforded an interview

- Dino Babers was reported initially to have the UCF job, then it went to Scott (white as) Frost. Where is the long diatribe against UCF?

Why is SAS on ESPN? He is cheap and talk is cheap. The majority of ESPN programing now is talk...Embracing debate saves money until the next round of layoffs.

Larry Scott never had a shot at this job. Stop it.
Appreciate the posters that understand that it's about ratings. Race is injected for the fringe

"college needs a Rooney Rule"? Are you f***** kidding me espn? Their liberal agenda pushing is stomach churning and disgraceful.

If it were up to the likes of Smiff, there wouldn't be a white guy within a mile of a football team, coaching or playing. Many black coaches are hired primarily because they're black when they should be nowhere near leading a football program; look no further than Randy Shannon as an example.

Stephen A and Skip stuff are direct from the PRODUCERS...they are basically reading from the teleprompter Ron Burgundy style....


If it isnt obvious...Muhfukkin Trevor Mattich or whatver said that we basicaly need a coach that would commit violations and be a "pirate" for us to win...huh? Dude had no justification....Said we just needed a bad guy...ESPN pushing an agenda....

I dont take Stephen A or Skip seriously....Believe botha re more intelligent than they portray.

Wrong....Smiff has pushed the black coach angle several times in the past for NBA and NFL coaching positions.
SAS is totally off base correlating this topic with UM. They are two separate points because UM is advanced at hiring minority groups. Now our fanbase is full racists see: any Canes board/blog. It's funny that SAS is a propped up **** put on TV to validate his supposed counterpart Skip and provide a black voice that validates white supremacy and racist insistence upon hyper-analyzing mythical innate pathological behavior traits of black people just as O'Reilly, Limbaugh etc do. He plays the same role as Charles Barkley, Don Lemon, and Raven Symone. He is your double agent but U hate him lol! Why? 1) U don't understand and cannot recognize examples of white supremacy being propagated. 2) U truly hate him because he comes across as confident, unafraid/not timid, bold, brazen, not in need of your validation. U guy are used to black men only being masculine physically (even that's an issue anywhere other than the field of sports play), but he has the nerve to be intellectually masculine while black...that's worth a blog lynching, which is what the OP covertly set in motion lol! SAS has stated on many occasions that "I don't care what black America thinks" about numerous issues he has spoken on. Now when has he ever said that or called out or targeted any other entire group of people? How is racist towards anyone accept black people if anyone at all? Where's your proof?? He addresses race and that makes him a racist according to the new definition of "racist", created by racists themselves. Experts on what's not racism (police brutality, prison industrial complex, poor education in black neighborhoods, disproportionate poverty rates for black women and children etc etc, none of this is racism, but SAS's commentary tackling the issue IS LMAO! Ridiculously dumb.

The bell curve isn't racist, just an inconvenient fact.
Lol Ray Ciss U are posting proof that the bell curve is a fallacy. Always in need of an unearned crutch or benefit. U are genetically recessive though, that's a proven fact.m
It is weird Eddie Cane, but only one side has substantial proof that he has singled them out as a demographic while insulting and dismissing them as a whole. And would be black people. 2) Many uneducated white men don't understand socioeconomic function and definition of racism. They don't know what the term means or how it functions. They are also oblivious to white supremacy (in their subconscious) and how if anyone challenges it, they are a racist. I hope this truth helps.

******* Cornell West over here....

"college needs a Rooney Rule"? Are you f***** kidding me espn? Their liberal agenda pushing is stomach churning and disgraceful.

If you guys don't think there was some back door meeting going Btw Coach Richt or his agent and Miami your delusional!!! Richt knew this Job was waiting on him....Richt and Georgia had mutual agreement to part ways Lol....nice way of saying I'm taking the Job at The U. Think ppl, I love it tho we got our Coach!!!!
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