Something to keep in mind re: Dugans

Him and Richt go back to the mid 90's. A couple years with Taggert doesn't come close.

What? That's just flat out wrong. He's been with Richt for two years, he was with Taggart for two years and he went to FSU before becoming a GA there for a year.

He coached him at fsu ....duh. What are you 13?

So he's still been with FSU/Taggart more than Richt. Lol. I'll do the math for you.

FSU = 7 years. 5 as player (redshirt) 2 as coach
Taggart = 2 years at USF.

That's 9 years.

Richt = 5 years at FSU and 2 at Miami. That's 7.

They've been friends for over 20 years, are you retarded ? How is that hard to understand ?

Troll on doe

He definitely is, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Buy Dugans a legit tricked out Donk to ride and recruit in and he good. Da man deserves a legit Donk. Cost less than the Turn Over Chain.
Everyone saying to give more money to Dugans needs to remember we also have a few other assistants that have attracted attention lately...

If you give Dugans a raise don't forget about Manny and Kul.
Kul got a raise and promotion already.
If he happens to bolt, just bring in #36 !

Mo Sikes has wr coaching experience?

Now you're just being ridiculous.

He was clearly referring to Bennie Blades.

There are a few glaring deficiencies on our offense. Wideout play wasn't one of em.

Edit: Also Dugans wideouts block as well downfield as anyone in the country.
We know Dugans played under OC Richt at FSU. Coached WR for 4 years at Louisville with Strong and two years with Taggert and two years with Richt. He has known Richt for over 20 years. And he left Taggert to go with Richt. Those are just facts. Who he wants to coach with and live are unknowns.
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