Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Are those all decoys standing around them in the field eating grass or do these birds just walk to folks to die? There are like 15 corpses on the ground and they are just out there snacking next to a bunch of armed rednecks, what the ****.

edit/ wait I think they are in fact decoys.

Why do so many want Schuman who has never called plays when they do not want Dorsey for the same reason? I would be happy with either but they would not be my first choice
I believe this was discussed on pages 182, 196, 213, 215-264, 308, 323-332, 356, 367, 375-387, 401, 403, 414, 426-439, 444, 468, 475, 486-495, and 502. Try to keep up, please….
I wish it was Briles, but it was always too good to be true, I never believed it from the beginning.

I’m not an insider & I know nothing, but I know it’s not gonna be Briles, that’s for sure.
Mario knows whoever he picks CIS will eat them alive. Prolonging the inevitable.
Salave'a is run game coordinator.
Hurtt will be wildcat game coordinator.
T-Rob will be Statue of Liberty double-reverse triple-lateral flea-flicker coordinator.

DVD gets a new snapback and a free bowl of soup. In July.
You forgot
Coley will be the half back pass in the snow coordinator.
Cribby said Briles was a possible option.

Well then, that's definitive.

On the other hand, having heard the words out of Cribby's mouth...I think that even Cribby would tell you that the probability on Briles may have been overheated. Not impossible. But also maybe not as solid as Briles Bros would have us believe.

Look, a lot of guys are "possible options", there's no need to rule a guy out DEFINITIVELY when Mario isn't tipping his hand. And that's not a criticism of Briles, it's just an acknowledgement that maybe he wasn't the prime target that many had assumed.

And, for the record, I'd be fine with Briles being hired. Briles is an excellent coach. I just don't equate the interwebz speculation with the true reflection of where he might stand in Mario's priority ranking.

Just being honest. I think a lot of folks confuse due diligence with definitive bread crumbs. And who knows, maybe Mario spoke to Briles to gauge his thoughts on Kevin Smith. We may never know for certain.
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