Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Arkansas insider on 247 said he's keeping an eye on us for Briles (most likely because of Kevin Smith). Briles is due for a new contract. Not much smoke about who Mario has in mind for OC. Says he gets the feeling that we're interested in Briles and "a few others".
Sometime it's not always about money. There are other factors. Look at a lot of west coast guys, they turn down pay increases because they prefer to be on the west coast.

Is it worth me uprooting my family for a extra $100,000? Some would say yes, and others no. I lived in Orlando, and hated it. I grew up in West Palm near the beach, so I enjoy that lifestyle. So I made a lateral move to Melbourne, even though I was in line for a promotion soon.
I get that for sure. Just would think coral gables would be a nice move to make. Unless you’re totally about being in rural America
1. Ice fishing
2. Lots of blonde-haired blue-eyed women
3. Nobody in the twin cities has ever heard about "Joey Freshwater"

It all checks out.
LOL Pretty sure everyone up here knows Joey Freshwater. He graduated high school here at the same school I went to. He was 4 years older and My buddies older bros. all say he was kinda a prick. Don’t see Vikings going this route. Never been a fan. Maybe I’m wrong - but would be a terrible hire.
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