Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Saban will magically find the next DC coach who can call an A+ defense anyways. Even if this guy loses his job. ******* wizard
Yeah... Saban is the secret sauce over there, dude just sheds assistants like its nothing and then takes them behind the woodshed almost every time they meet up again on the field as well. Monster and needs to go so its fair for everyone else.
I can’t keep track of the different age segments…

The young sensitive complainers in the work force.

I once had a 23 year old that I fired have his mother call me and ask why her son was fired…
That sounds like that might be some parenting issues more than anything else.
Saban had to have cleared this arrest. He’ll have his replacement before the end of next week.

I’ll laugh if he doesn’t even consider that fck boy TRob.
do we know who's handling ST (whether it will be like a dual role type person or whether were getting a sole ST coach?
Briles is a weasel. I think Mario is looking for guys with a little more character as well.
I don’t doubt that!

For better or worse, Mario decided to play on the coaching carousel Merry Go Round. Fair game if anyone wants to debate that strategy. He isn’t stupid. He had multiple birds in the bush (plenty of birds in the hand) and knew he needed just 1. It was bolder. It caused the ice we were skating on to be thinner no doubt for hiring.

But dang. Some of the posters around here get skittish as ****. I’d hate to see what some of you would do if we were on an ice pond and I cracked my knuckles.
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