Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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100 percent. This is 100 percent mismanagement.

Optics and perception matter. They generate momentum, which generates positive (or negative) results.

People also need to stop with the dumbass response: But Manny was good at optics.

Yeah, optics doesn't guarantee you success, but it make success more likely. Manny couldn't get it done for other reasons. But Mario has shown a terrible inability to drive the narrative and generate momentum.
Right or wrong I don't think he cares. The hiring process was the same at Oregon. He isn't concerned with it. Doesn't think it will matter in September if he's winning games. Or even during spring practice. He's right but September is a long ways away and this is all we have to talk about.
Ohhhhh and one last thing! Very fvking calculated move by Georgia and BMac. Can’t wait until after NSD to bounce but does it in the middle of a visit by Shemar. Understood - he’s an offensive coach and Shemar is a defensive player but that doesn’t matter in terms of blowing up what the local program is trying to do vs what the current reigning champions are trying to do and Mario allowing that to happen.
Right or wrong I don't think he cares. The hiring process was the same at Oregon. He isn't concerned with it. Doesn't think it will matter in September if he's winning games. Or even during spring practice. He's right but September is a long ways away and this is all we have to talk about.
If he doesn’t care that seems a bit concerning. Particularly when two of five coaches (best recruiters which Mario prides himself on) are poached during his “deliberate” process
Cribby, this is real question. Does Mario have a reputation as being difficult to work for? From my experience as a manager in the business world, anytime you see turnover like this and an unwillingness to commit from perspective hires, it is a huge red flag. I begin to wonder. This process and lack of coordinator hires and now a guy that he hired a month ago is bailing on him. This is starting to seem a bit odd to me.
Let’s not act like these guys went to Rutgers to get away from Mario. One got 300k raise to work with the GOAT and the other went to his Alma Mater National Champions. I wouldn’t call that turnover. You may be right in that Mario could be difficult to work with but Bmac could have gone anywhere and followed him here until his school came calling. Same way Miami called to Mario.
Right or wrong I don't think he cares. The hiring process was the same at Oregon. He isn't concerned with it. Doesn't think it will matter in September if he's winning games. Or even during spring practice. He's right but September is a long ways away and this is all we have to talk about.
Well my point is that he’s wrong, and he should care.
Let’s not act like these guys went to Rutgers to get away from Mario. One got 300k raise to work with the GOAT and the other went to his Alma Mater National Champions. I wouldn’t call that turnover. You may be right in that Mario could be difficult to work with but Bmac could have gone anywhere and followed him here until his school came calling. Same way Miami called to Mario.

It won't be popular but I agree with all of this.
If he doesn’t care that seems a bit concerning. Particularly when two of five coaches (best recruiters which Mario prides himself on) are poached during his “deliberate” process
He doesn't care about what Manny Diaz would call fake momentum. He brought McClendon down so I'm sure he cares about him leaving.
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