Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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BraveStarr! It was only on for a couple of years but it was cool as ****.
There’s this cartoon I’m trying to think of, it came out in the late 90’s it was only on for a real short time, it’s so difficult for me to describe but it was absolutely insane. It was kinda about time travel, but it was so much stuff in it...
I know what you're talking about.
Anybody watch this craziness on Netflix? It's actually what triggered my Denver the Last Dinosaur memory. I thought it ended kind of weak but would definitely recommend. Was a pretty unique concept and funny as **** in spots.

As I said that Mavs choke ended all this nonsense. 8 points in a finals game as the best player in the world lmao. Then JJ barrea sticking you later in the series and you‘re froze on the 3 pt line. All 5’9 of JJ lol. But Lbj stans always have a excuse. It’s his “mom getting plowed , his wife cheated , he was cramping , he was having to carry scrubs ”. His teammates always get the blame but not the king.
You co-signing Lebron not being one of the goats? What's your top 5?
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