Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Let’s do it!

I told yall already, I’m good with whatever offense we run, I’ve already accepted we’re going to have some growing pains & it will take some time to get where we’re trying to go, so fck it, might as well start the journey now rather than later.

The offense has motion & runs the ball very well, which opens up the Play Action game, so let’s get to it & lets go.

TVD’s a NFL QB, so let’s give him an NFL offense.
Welp our biggest weakness has been our OLINE so I guess Pro-style forces them to fix it immediately. 😱
This point I could care less who is OC. DC is the more important hire. Already so much experience on the offensive side with what we already have. Not saying OC isn't important but I think the DC needs to be a homerun more.
I try to stay away from this thread.. cause it feels like this **** just won’t end 😂.. but i always come back hoping for some type of good news.
It's like being in a toxic relationship with a hot chick. She is a real bit*#h and you can't agree on anything. You try to leave her but you keep going back bcuz the *** is 🔥😂
If ND is deciding between Golden and Belk, and they get Belk, that means we’ll have to settle for Golden?
I want to know what y’all are crying about. Coen runs a spread offense. Just because they run the ball doesn’t mean it’s not a spread offense. Some of you are showing that you never once put on pads in your life claiming that Mario lied to recruits.

PS: Brady runs the ball out of the Spread a ton as well and y’all were just jerking him off.
Brady doesn’t run a ton
Another underrated name here is Whipple. Mark Whipple. Coached up Kenny Heisman and now more experienced from his previous stint. Would be an easy pull from Nebraska.
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