Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Man we have such big recruiting weekends. Just feel like having the OC and DC would’ve given us a better shot at getting some of the big boys left in the 2022 class. Someone tell me we roll...:(
Probably was posted in your non Miami Coach updates. Oklahoma just hired an Analyst for ST to work closely with ST. If they can’t coach on field how does that work??
Analysts are just coaches who aren’t on-field assistants, meaning they’re not the sole position coach.

Each coaching staff is allowed 10 on-field assistants, but are allowed an unlimited number of analysts, Quality Coaches, player personnel assistants & any other support staff.

Off-field doesn’t meaning literally off the field, it just means they’re not the main position coach, but they’re still allowed to observe in practice & assist the assistants, they’re just not allowed to engage in coaching activities with players, but it’s not an actually enforced rule because literally every team in the country has analyst who help coach players.

It’s a vague title they give to assistant coaches who aren’t full-time position coaches, but all they are is just extra coaches. The powerhouse schools like Bama, UGA, OH ST, Clemson etc all have dozens & dozens of analysts who serve specific purposes in support for the position coaches & often time act as De Facto second coordinators.

Like for instance, when Hugh Freeze was an analyst at Bama, he was basically their second OC, he just wasn’t technically allowed to be called that. Muschamp was an analyst at UGA for most of the season, but was basically their 2nd or 3rd DC on the team.

So to answer your question, you can hire 10 analysts to assist the position coach, like if we wanted to, we could hire another RB’s coach but list him as an off-field analyst, but his job would basically be as the RB’s coach (provided that’s his background). DVD is going to be an analyst for us this year & Terry Jefferson is already considered an analyst as well, all they both are is assistant CB’s/DB’s coach, their job will be to help recruit & help whoever the DB coaches are that get hired as the on-field official position coach of CB’s or Safeties coach.
Anyways who the **** is gunna be the next hire? I can't see any reason we can announce a TE coach tomorrow....
Cruising on to 2k. Wait till we hire that Corey Mullen dude from the gator to be the get back coach.
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