Some 1 said this was FSU Prospect Camp last weekend

And they are all copying Ronald Delancy CB from MNW...but dude is a DL. WAYYYYYY to much Sunshine.

Rj is too funny is his though you can tell he is playing around this kid is trying hard. Too funny
Rj is too funny is his though you can tell he is playing around this kid is trying hard. Too funny

Yup..RJ, Larry (going to Buffalo)and Leslie (going to Pitt) they really just do that stuff messing around in down time after practice/weightroom lol. Its crazy that there dance made it into the new Madden though i wish those kids could get compensated some way...maybe AB looks out or Teddy Bridgewater who knows them. Or is it an NCAA infraction?
Yup..RJ, Larry (going to Buffalo)and Leslie (going to Pitt) they really just do that stuff messing around in down time after practice/weightroom lol. Its crazy that there dance made it into the new Madden though i wish those kids could get compensated some way...maybe AB looks out or Teddy Bridgewater who knows them. Or is it an NCAA infraction?
I dont know to be honest rj would probably have the best chance to get something since he is still in high school. Larry and leslie would probably have to deal with the NCAA. I know they are all close with teddy for obvious reasons. Ab not a 100% they should get a little something. I remember when people in new Orleans thought they started the dance I laughed so hard I was like you have to be kidding.
I dont know to be honest rj would probably have the best chance to get something since he is still in high school. Larry and leslie would probably have to deal with the NCAA. I know they are all close with teddy for obvious reasons. Ab not a 100% they should get a little something. I remember when people in new Orleans thought they started the dance I laughed so hard I was like you have to be kidding.

Unfortunately the people that invent the culture never get paid for the culture....
The creators of the Millyrock, Carlton and flossing have all sued the game Fortnite and the suits have been dismissed. Dance moves can't be copyrighted apparently, but dance "routines" can. Slick Willie is going to want to dig deep into this to make sure all of his teams custom routines don't get stolen by the Rockettes.
This is what Taggart up there evaluating.. lmao

That looks a bit like that boogy Frenchy was doing in the locker room a few years ago.

I guess FSU has some set choreography that the players might have to learn.

FSU is a big school. They must have dance, theater, music departments. Maybe they had an assistant professor with a subspecialty in locker room boogie come over and teach it to them. Everything Miami does looks far more impromptu and manly, based on that video with Manny.