SIAP But crown mr. Alonzo Highsmith

That's that old school Cane mentality, you are either with us or our enemy, and guess what?, You don't want to be our enemy anymore, we will crush you.

God ****.

Your son can play any ****ing position he wants, Alonzo. lets not go that far lol

Kidding of course but at the same time, maybe people need to stop and think a bit before they trash AJ. The kid is what he is as a football player and certainly not above criticism but people shouldn't cross the line.

But I don't want to threadjack. Haven't seen Zo around on the sidelines much this year but he looked like he could still tote the rock the last I saw him.
I love Irvin. I love Ray. I love EReed. I love all those old guys. But Mr. Highsmith might just be the greatest Hurricane of all time.

if you recall from the 30 30 show, he started this what we have here. In my book, the greatest of all. he was the one calling the other kids in Dade saying let's start something special at the U. Guys all Cane!
Alonzo is King Cane. So refreshing to hear a successful smart adult actually speak his mind and not spit out the usual politically correct fa.ggotry. Glad to see snitch maggots like Phillips and Moss out of the brotherhood.

Can you imagine the celebration we'll be having if Sh1tzero gets shanked or buttsexed to death?

Better if his demise occurred because of the latter.
Anally raped to death is a better lead story.

Actually, there is no need to have the two occurrences be mutually exclusive is there? Rather they ideally be the sequence of events, one culminating the other.

Larry Shapiro, who said he believes all of his son’s allegations were true, said Shapiro was placed in solitary confinement two years ago in Tallahassee after the NCAA story broke because “they think he’s a squealer and a rat. They put food in a slot like they do with death row inmates.”

His said Shapiro speaking to Sports Illustrated this year about his gambling on UM games “was very detrimental.”

He said prison officials and other inmates “frown on it” and that some think he’s “infamous and a rat. What they do is they goad you to try to get you to do something. If he breathes, they monitor it. Guards say, ‘Where’s Nevin?’ They have him under a microscope. They monitor everything because of the [expletive] of the UM [story]. If you respond, they put you in a room with no windows, a 4 by 6 cell.”

Read more here:

Poor baby. Put the sob back in general population and save us some taxpayer dollars.
God ****.

Your son can play any ****ing position he wants, Alonzo.
Sorry your sarcasm cant be tolerated here