Sheldon Mcclellan


Dec 4, 2011
We are very lucky to have him. He is one of the most skilled players to ever come to the U. I hope he gets drafted in the draft. I think he can be very good in the nba
He already plays a solid NBA-like "let the game come to you" type of style. Very patient player and rarely takes a bad shot, and usually when he does he makes it. Excellent free throw shooter and has all the physical tools you would want in a role player guard. 2nd round player but deserves to be drafted.
He already plays a solid NBA-like "let the game come to you" type of style. Very patient player and rarely takes a bad shot, and usually when he does he makes it. Excellent free throw shooter and has all the physical tools you would want in a role player guard. 2nd round player but deserves to be drafted.

I can see him late in the first round.
Can someone please explain to me why this kid isnt considered a lock as a first round pick. I dont understand. He is oozing with talent and is very coachable, team first guy. When he decides to take over no one can stop him. Anyone care to enlighten me? and he's pretty good defender
Can someone please explain to me why this kid isnt considered a lock as a first round pick. I dont understand. He is oozing with talent and is very coachable, team first guy. When he decides to take over no one can stop him. Anyone care to enlighten me? and he's pretty good defender

Only thing I can think of is age, he's 23-24. I heard a former GM other day on the radio saying that age matters . They'd rather take a 19 year old over a 22-23 year old Sr. Even if older player is better at the moment .

I still think he slides into the late first round .
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I'd take McClellan on my team any day of the week. He is such a dynamic player. We will really miss him on both ends of the floor next year. He is this team's rock.
Sheldon is very talented and has a smooth game with the ability to make difficult shots which would help in the NBA. His knock would be that he didn't go out and dominate games. If he picks up his sense of urgency he could become a decent player. Also a deep run in the tournament would do wonders to his stock.
Well, if James Jones can have a long career in the NBA, then Sheldon is more than capable of doing the same. Jones is longer, but Sheldon is better driving to the basketball. And don't get me wrong, James Jones is one of the more underrated players to play at Miami. He was a terrific college player.