Shapiro,Sean Allen,Hill ,Hurtt,It is interesting to note tha


Nov 6, 2011
It is interesting to note that those people who were the principal violators of NCAA rules when working with University of Miami and against Shannon 's policies are all communicating with each other in recruiting local talent to their perspective schools or conspiring through Charles Robinson and talking to the NCAA and accusing Golden as the violator.They are all have a common bond of past misdeeds and there wish for the U to go down for personal gain in recruiting south Florida talent or as in Pee Wee s and Shapiro's case publicity.
Yup. I hope some of you cats are tweeting the **** outof these guys names and shooting them to Whitlock and other journalist, with some back story.
So Miami had someone on staff recruiting for Louisville and Alabama and Florida. My god there were some very bad seeds in at Miami. And these are supposed to be the adults. So Robinson wants to investigate Miami but could care less that a Miami employee was helping other schools out in terms or recruiting by informing them of what Miami was doing. That is such a bigger story than barrow making 17 phone calls. Robinson is such a douche. He's made his living off gotcha journalism and the only people that have suffered have been the players that had nothing to do with the nonsense he investigates.
So Miami had someone on staff recruiting for Louisville and Alabama and Florida. My god there were some very bad seeds in at Miami. And these are supposed to be the adults. So Robinson wants to investigate Miami but could care less that a Miami employee was helping other schools out in terms or recruiting by informing them of what Miami was doing. That is such a bigger story than barrow making 17 phone calls. Robinson is such a douche. He's made his living off gotcha journalism and the only people that have suffered have been the players that had nothing to do with the nonsense he investigates.

I believe that you are misinterpreting what happened. Stoutland and Pannunzio now at Alabama, Hill is now at Florida and Hurtt is now at UofL.... while I think that they are all pieces of ****, I doubt that they were recruiting for other schools while on UM's dime. **** 'em anyways
So Miami had someone on staff recruiting for Louisville and Alabama and Florida. My god there were some very bad seeds in at Miami. And these are supposed to be the adults. So Robinson wants to investigate Miami but could care less that a Miami employee was helping other schools out in terms or recruiting by informing them of what Miami was doing. That is such a bigger story than barrow making 17 phone calls. Robinson is such a douche. He's made his living off gotcha journalism and the only people that have suffered have been the players that had nothing to do with the nonsense he investigates.

I believe that you are misinterpreting what happened. Stoutland and Pannunzio now at Alabama, Hill is now at Florida and Hurtt is now at UofL.... while I think that they are all pieces of ****, I doubt that they were recruiting for other schools while on UM's dime. **** 'em anyways

NVA was talking about Allen helping out other schools with supposed inside info into what Miami is doing.
The whole situation is a mess, hopefully the fact these guys no longer work for UM will help us in the end. Hurtt is a piece of ****, terrible ******* coach, he needs to be out of the business for a while.
So Miami had someone on staff recruiting for Louisville and Alabama and Florida. My god there were some very bad seeds in at Miami. And these are supposed to be the adults. So Robinson wants to investigate Miami but could care less that a Miami employee was helping other schools out in terms or recruiting by informing them of what Miami was doing. That is such a bigger story than barrow making 17 phone calls. Robinson is such a douche. He's made his living off gotcha journalism and the only people that have suffered have been the players that had nothing to do with the nonsense he investigates.

I believe that you are misinterpreting what happened. Stoutland and Pannunzio now at Alabama, Hill is now at Florida and Hurtt is now at UofL.... while I think that they are all pieces of ****, I doubt that they were recruiting for other schools while on UM's dime. **** 'em anyways

NVA was talking about Allen helping out other schools with supposed inside info into what Miami is doing.

Gotcha, I had never heard that before
So Miami had someone on staff recruiting for Louisville and Alabama and Florida. My god there were some very bad seeds in at Miami. And these are supposed to be the adults. So Robinson wants to investigate Miami but could care less that a Miami employee was helping other schools out in terms or recruiting by informing them of what Miami was doing. That is such a bigger story than barrow making 17 phone calls. Robinson is such a douche. He's made his living off gotcha journalism and the only people that have suffered have been the players that had nothing to do with the nonsense he investigates.

I believe that you are misinterpreting what happened. Stoutland and Pannunzio now at Alabama, Hill is now at Florida and Hurtt is now at UofL.... while I think that they are all pieces of ****, I doubt that they were recruiting for other schools while on UM's dime. **** 'em anyways

NVA was talking about Allen helping out other schools with supposed inside info into what Miami is doing.

Gotcha, I had never heard that before

The story that Robinson just published on Friday talked about supposed phone calls between Barrow and Allen after Golden was hired. What Robinson left out was that when you look at Allen's phone records from that period is that Allen was also talking with Stoutland and Hurtt when they were on Alabama and Loservilles coaching staff. A lot of Miami area players (8) from the 2011 class went to Louisville. Coincidence???
^^how do you know that those guys were on Allen's phone records?

I believe sileo confirmed it on his show yesterday, and it seemed like either Robinson didn't know about it or knew it and just brushed it off. I wonder what the NCAA would react to something like that?
^^how do you know that those guys were on Allen's phone records?

I believe sileo confirmed it on his show yesterday, and it seemed like either Robinson didn't know about it or knew it and just brushed it off. I wonder what the NCAA would react to something like that?

His response to Sileo's question about the phone records indicating calls from Pee Wee to Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt was that he (Robinson) could not speak to the intent of those phone calls.

It was a weak cop-out response. The same intent you established based upon the phone calls from Barrow to Pee Wee could not be applied to Pee Wee and Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt...GTFOH!

Sileo let him slide easy on that one.
Sileo let him slide really easy, had a chance to crush him and bailed and said he respected his profession.. Won't listen to Sileo anymore

Would like to see NCAA come down on punz, hill, stoutland and hurtt.. It's crazy that the individuals who cause problems always skate once they walk away
Sileo let him slide really easy, had a chance to crush him and bailed and said he respected his profession.. Won't listen to Sileo anymore

Would like to see NCAA come down on punz, hill, stoutland and hurtt.. It's crazy that the individuals who cause problems always skate once they walk away

The NCAA has been saying for a while that they are going to start holding the coaches responsible for their actions. The fact that Miami has been an open book with the NCAA during this investigation and the fact that the coaches responsible for these violations left and are still doing the same things tells me that we get hit with sanctions somewhere between OSU and USC. These former coaches are going to lose their jobs in some cases with Hurtt being one of them. I think Hurtt is banned from coaching for at least two years.
Sileo let him slide really easy, had a chance to crush him and bailed and said he respected his profession.. Won't listen to Sileo anymore

Would like to see NCAA come down on punz, hill, stoutland and hurtt.. It's crazy that the individuals who cause problems always skate once they walk away

The NCAA has been saying for a while that they are going to start holding the coaches responsible for their actions. The fact that Miami has been an open book with the NCAA during this investigation and the fact that the coaches responsible for these violations left and are still doing the same things tells me that we get hit with sanctions somewhere between OSU and USC. These former coaches are going to lose their jobs in some cases with Hurtt being one of them. I think Hurtt is banned from coaching for at least two years.

way to go out on a limb with that prediction
^^how do you know that those guys were on Allen's phone records?

I believe sileo confirmed it on his show yesterday, and it seemed like either Robinson didn't know about it or knew it and just brushed it off. I wonder what the NCAA would react to something like that?

His response to Sileo's question about the phone records indicating calls from Pee Wee to Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt was that he (Robinson) could not speak to the intent of those phone calls.

It was a weak cop-out response. The same intent you established based upon the phone calls from Barrow to Pee Wee could not be applied to Pee Wee and Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt...GTFOH!

Sileo let him slide easy on that one.

How come he can only speak to the intent on phone calls with Al Golden but not anyone else on any of the other schools... was he on speaker phone with Al or what?
^^how do you know that those guys were on Allen's phone records?

I believe sileo confirmed it on his show yesterday, and it seemed like either Robinson didn't know about it or knew it and just brushed it off. I wonder what the NCAA would react to something like that?

I presume that the findings went like this...

It was a weak cop-out response. The same intent you established based upon the phone calls from Barrow to Pee Wee could not be applied to Pee Wee and Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt...GTFOH!

Sileo let him slide easy on that one.

How come he can only speak to the intent on phone calls with Al Golden but not anyone else on any of the other schools... was he on speaker phone with Al or what?

Deposition was taken of Sean "Pee Wee" Allen by Shapiro's defense attorney with all focus on the University of Miami. That is, the only phone calls which were in question were that of the calls from Pee Wee to Barrow. Hence, the claim that Pee Wee was recruiting for Barrow and the phone records showing 17 calls back and forth between Barrow and Pee Wee. Intent was established.

I then would presume that no questions would have been asked by Shapiro's attorney of the phone records indicating calls to and from Pee Wee with Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt, although one can use deductive reasoning that if Pee Wee is exchanging phone calls with Barrow in regards to recruits, he would be doing the same in phone calls to Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt. In fact, I don't know who is claiming so, but someone made the claim that Pee Wee was contacting the 3 former Miami coaches and telling them who Miami was putting the full-court press on and their exact strategies which in-turn would give the former recruiters inside access to our program which would hold a competitive advantage in their favor.

This is where Charles Robinson got off easy because if Dan would have pressed him after asking him about the phone exchanges, he would have forced Charles' hand to either look stupid or admit that the same thing was happening with other coaches.

His response to Sileo's question about the phone records indicating calls from Pee Wee to Stoutland/Hill/Hurtt was that he (Robinson) could not speak to the intent of those phone calls.
why would the attorney in a bankruptcy trial care about Sean Allen's interaction with Miami recruits/coaches AFTER Shapiro was in jail?

Allen couldn't have been using Shapiro's stolen money at that time, so why would they care?
why would the attorney in a bankruptcy trial care about Sean Allen's interaction with Miami recruits/coaches AFTER Shapiro was in jail?

Allen couldn't have been using Shapiro's stolen money at that time, so why would they care?

Not sure of that. what was made public was the deposition of Sean Pee Wee Allen that Charles Robinson first got the claims of the "recruiting violations."

In my opinion, all this was determined upon the initial investigation and both the University and the NCAA knew about and addressed the matter.

Robinson is using his soap box to bring acclaim upon himself as if these are some new findings - which they are not. Furthermore, his timing once again is oddly familiar (two weeks before fall camp opens).

Gary Ferman did a **** poor job handling the story by adding fuel to Robinson's claims as if they were new or earth shattering. Then, he made the **** poor decision not to have Robinson on, but not allowing tough questions to be passed through to Robinson, which in turn allowed him to further lay unsubstantiated claims against the University.

I wouldn't worry about any of these new developments, because they are not new. These series of events which have passed these last few days will have no effect on the Notice of Allegations or findings from the NCAA.