Shannon Dawson: We haven’t used 5, 10 percent of what’s going to be used

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Oct 13, 2011
Through two FBS games, Miami’s offense ranks third nationally in scoring defense (51.5 ppg) and first in yards per play (9.1). Shannon Dawson met with reporters to discuss the group’s progress:

On players like Cam Ward not caring about individual accomplishments: It bleeds into what we talked about last week. When bad things happen, you just keep playing ball. If you have that mentality, you block everything out. I'd be surprised if he even knew [about 15,000 career yards], to be...

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Great interview and great answers from Coach Dawson. I absolutely loved what he said about the victim mentality and how he made the comparison to his daughters. The entire Q&A was excellent but the thing that really hit me was the very last sentence. "We haven't even used 5 or 10% or what's going to be used.". I agree with @mcnaire2004 here. Based on how pass first wide open we have been through the first 3 games I can't wait to see what we are able to pull out of the playbook. Personally, I would look for more variation from the running game and more interesting personnel groupings, formations and route combinations.

An important thing to realize is that we have been able to be extremely prolific offensively thus far with what amounts to routine plays. That is more than a good sign. That is a giant billboard telling you that the QB is seeing the field on a level that quite frankly we haven't seen here in a very very long time. That and the rest of the team is working every day to get better. Cam Ward and the veteran leadership on this team will not let anyone get complacent. I'm trying very hard not to jinx anything by making any definitive statements but watching this team makes that exceedingly difficult. This could be the type of year that you tell your grandchildren about and you know what? To all of you who have been here since the last time we had great teams 200-2003 and never jumped ship......You deserve this! One game at a time boys!
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I think the passing game is what it is. Even if you've seen it on film, doesn't really help you prepare because there are option routes and so much improv. Can't game plan for that.

I think the rest of the flavor is in the run game. Naked eye tells me we've ran 2 maybe 3 different run plays. Dressed a little differently. So many more concepts I've seen Mario and Dawson use in the past that haven't shown up.

Maybe wishful thinking.

I'm sure there's some trick plays and bag plays he's got for specific situations as well. Obviously haven't needed any of those but we did use 1 of them to try to embarrass Florida and just missed it.
Great interview. I suspect when the playbook opens up that means more counters, etc in the run game. Pretty vanilla so far with the exception being the Fletcher TD run vs Florida that was a beauty.
I don't know about the 5-10% number but the only time we needed a wrinkle this year, we had it.
Looking forward to the unveiling of the 90%.
Dawson seems much more comfortable this year and we can surmise it’s because of the talent he has - QB in particular - this year. One thing I’ve noticed is both he and Guidry seem to believe they’re playing complimentary football - they both can rely on the others side of the ball to get the job done.