S.fla Coaches on Who Miami Should Hire (It's Long)

I have to laugh at all of this stuff. Does anyone really think that the U is asking HS coaches who they should hire? LMAO. As someone said, the U went this route with Shannon. NOT happening. Cristobal is an ASST COACH with a LOSING record when he was a HC.
Another reason these S FL HS corches are obsessed with recruiting is because that's what THEY do. They know they can't coach, so they load their rosters to the point where they have Dalvin Cook backing up Joe Yearby in order to beat real HS coaches like Coach Macho, who is stuck with all the 5'6" 4.9 forty guys that the recruiters didn't pillage from him.
For me, it's about public opinion. Mario should not even be considered a viable option. He shouldn't even be in the **** conversation!! Have we sunk so low as to consider a position coach as our next head coach? The next hire, I think we've all agreed, HAS to be right. And idiots out there want to try another experiment?

I have to be honest - if they hire Mario (and give him anything north of $1 mil a year )= IM ******* DONE. I swear on my life - over and out. I've been hanging on by a thread thinking if we could just get rid of Golden - but one more ****** hire and I'll find better things to do with my time and money. I've had it with this level of incompetence. I work in the real world and get real results. Not this throw **** at the wall to see if it sticks ****.
I'd hoped the banner boys would fly an anti Mario banner but it doesn't look like it's in the works.....
As much flack as we give him for recruiting at Bama - which shouldn't be that hard - I do see recruiting value with him and he'd be a great transitional hire for the new staff in that he's used to recruiting this area (hits the ground running). I think he can be very solid in that role. As far as positional coaching, I know bama fans aren't huge fans of him for his OL, but I think OL coaching and OC philosophy go hand in hand and there may be more to it than we think. JMO


Some people are *****ing just to *****. I totally understood the backlash to Mario as HC, but as OL coach? Fine with me. Butch already said he's looking for young, hungry recruiters to fill out his staff. Butch can evaluate and close, but he knows the value of young guys on the daily recruiting grind.

Anybody who doubts Mario's recruiting prowess is being willfully ignorant at this point.
As much flack as we give him for recruiting at Bama - which shouldn't be that hard - I do see recruiting value with him and he'd be a great transitional hire for the new staff in that he's used to recruiting this area (hits the ground running). I think he can be very solid in that role. As far as positional coaching, I know bama fans aren't huge fans of him for his OL, but I think OL coaching and OC philosophy go hand in hand and there may be more to it than we think. JMO


Some people are *****ing just to *****. I totally understood the backlash to Mario as HC, but as OL coach? Fine with me. Butch already said he's looking for young, hungry recruiters to fill out his staff. Butch can evaluate and close, but he knows the value of young guys on the daily recruiting grind.

Anybody who doubts Mario's recruiting prowess is being willfully ignorant at this point.

Where was his recruiting prowess before joining Bama's staff? Recruiting for Bama is probably the single easiest job in College Football.
Where was his recruiting prowess before joining Bama's staff? Recruiting for Bama is probably the single easiest job in College Football.

How many coaches are on Alabama's staff? How many assistants recruit for big-time programs?

Cristobal was named consensus recruiter of the year over all of those guys. Saban pays him big money to recruit. Local coaches are unanimous in their praise for his recruiting ability.

Does that mean he should be Head Coach of Miami? **** no. But anybody trying to question his recruiting value is *****ing just to *****.
In no way do I support hiring him as HC. But he would obviously be an asset to the program as Asst HC/recruiting coordinator.
As much flack as we give him for recruiting at Bama - which shouldn't be that hard - I do see recruiting value with him and he'd be a great transitional hire for the new staff in that he's used to recruiting this area (hits the ground running). I think he can be very solid in that role. As far as positional coaching, I know bama fans aren't huge fans of him for his OL, but I think OL coaching and OC philosophy go hand in hand and there may be more to it than we think. JMO


Some people are *****ing just to *****. I totally understood the backlash to Mario as HC, but as OL coach? Fine with me. Butch already said he's looking for young, hungry recruiters to fill out his staff. Butch can evaluate and close, but he knows the value of young guys on the daily recruiting grind.

Anybody who doubts Mario's recruiting prowess is being willfully ignorant at this point.

And all over CFB people like to repeat the generally accepted conventional wisdom that Golden is a **** of a recruiter. How'd that work out? Sub par coordinators and horrific D scheme have sunk the program into irrelevancy. I don't give two ***** if Mario has any value as a recruiter. He is unqualified, is woefully heralded at his current position, and has no business being in the conversation for a return to Miami in any capacity considering how he left.

Seriously, everyone needs to shout this idea down. Pronto. This administration is capable of ******** this up royally. We can't be quiet.
Lmao at it should be a homegrown guy .
It should be someone that can coach the game , you could hire assistants with ties to the area for recruiting purposes .
I'd turn my back on Miami football if Cristobal's the next head coach. Beyond that, Mario being a part of the next staff with any sort of "head coach in waiting" label is a recipe for long-term disaster.

If he came here under the next head coach to serve as only the OL coach, then whatever. But he's not walking away from a $500,000+ salary as a member of Nick Saban's staff at Alabama to come to Miami without some sort of upward move like a "head coach in waiting" tag. And that would be an absolutely disastrous situation that no Miami fan in their right mind should want any part of.
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OL coach needs to be a great teacher. You hide recruiters at RB coach/WR coach/TE coach. You don't hire an OL coach just to recruit when your program is so starved for actual coaching.
I'd turn my back on Miami football if Cristobal's the next head coach. Beyond that, Mario being a part of the next staff with any sort of "head coach in waiting" label is a recipe for long-term disaster.

If he came here under the next head coach to serve as only the OL coach, then whatever. But he's not walking away from a $500,000+ salary as a member of Nick Saban's staff at Alabama to come to Miami without some sort of upward move like a "head coach in waiting" tag. And that would be an absolutely disastrous situation that no Miami fan in their right mind should want any part of.
And that's one of the reasons I want to break from the "Miami guy" hire. These scenarios of hiring him and having him be a HCIW or giving him titles that give him more import is all BS and signs of a dysfunctional organization.

Hypothetical: Butch comes in runs the show for 5 years, loads the roster with talent and then we are just supposed to hand it off to this unproven guy, just to watch him run the program into the ground again? Is that what we really want as a fan base and if the whispers are true from other posters that's what we may be getting.
OL coach needs to be a great teacher. You hide recruiters at RB coach/WR coach/TE coach. You don't hire an OL coach just to recruit when your program is so starved for actual coaching.

Nick Saban disagrees, and the OL is pretty important over there.

I have no idea if he's a good teacher or not. But I know he has substantial value as a recruiter.
OL coach needs to be a great teacher. You hide recruiters at RB coach/WR coach/TE coach. You don't hire an OL coach just to recruit when your program is so starved for actual coaching.

Nick Saban disagrees, and the OL is pretty important over there.

I have no idea if he's a good teacher or not. But I know he has substantial value as a recruiter.

Normally I agree with you, D, but the OL at Bama is the weakest unit on the team right now and many people who agree that it's "pretty important" want to send Mario packing despite what he brings to recruiting. I wouldn't fall on my sword if Mario were named OL coach here but I think we could do better and still recruit well without him.
Where was his recruiting prowess before joining Bama's staff? Recruiting for Bama is probably the single easiest job in College Football.

How many coaches are on Alabama's staff? How many assistants recruit for big-time programs?

Cristobal was named consensus recruiter of the year over all of those guys. Saban pays him big money to recruit. Local coaches are unanimous in their praise for his recruiting ability.

Does that mean he should be Head Coach of Miami? **** no. But anybody trying to question his recruiting value is *****ing just to *****.

Again, what was his recruiting prowess before being head bagman at Alabama?

If he is such a prodigious recruiting talent, why did it take until he landed at the easiest school on earth to recruit for him to be recognized?

Al Golden and Clint Hurrtt were recruiters of the year too.
Where was his recruiting prowess before joining Bama's staff? Recruiting for Bama is probably the single easiest job in College Football.

How many coaches are on Alabama's staff? How many assistants recruit for big-time programs?

Cristobal was named consensus recruiter of the year over all of those guys. Saban pays him big money to recruit. Local coaches are unanimous in their praise for his recruiting ability.

Does that mean he should be Head Coach of Miami? **** no. But anybody trying to question his recruiting value is *****ing just to *****.

A staff that EVERYONE loves to slurp on which Cristobal is assigned the most fertile recruiting territory BY FAR and then gets an award from a scouting service that adds a star to any kid that mighty Bama offers doesn't exactly make ol' Luigi anything special.
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I've got a simple question for the Cristobal crowd:

Do any of you think Mario would have Houston sitting at 9-0, right now?

We can't do the hypothetical, but he can do the next best thing ... Go all out for that UCF job, and dominate the conference. Fuente and Herman are leaving, so he's just got to beat Tubberville (Cincy), Montgomery (Tulsa), Morris (SMU), and Ken (Navy).